Magnons and phonons in periodic nanostructures – NCN grant

Tile of the project

Modification of the interactions between magnons and phonons in periodic nanostructures by adjusting the structural and material parameters

Call, grant No

OPUS11, National Science Center – Poland, UMO-2016/21/B/ST3/00452

Start date, end date

March 6, 2017 — March 5, 2021


999 980,00 PLN

In the Au/CoFeB multilayer deposited on a Si substrate, the thermally excited Love surface acoustic wave (transversal displacements of the cubes) and the spin wave (red cones) interact with each other. The interaction can be detected in phonon and magnon dispersion relation, measured by optical means, using Brillouin light scattering spectrometry.


Research project objective/Research hypothesis

The project is focused on the interactions between magnons and phonons in nanostructures. We are going to consider the system in which the existence both spin waves and elastic waves is possible. The main goal of this Project is modification of the interaction between magnons and phonons by adjusting the structural and material parameters of periodic nanostructures.

The investigated periodic structures will be designed to alter (to enhance or to weaken) the dynamical magneto-elastic interactions by deliberate introduction of structural and material changes or by adjustment of the external magnetic field. We plan to study the systems composed of elastic slab loaded by periodic array of elements deposited on its surface. The elements (stripes or dots) can be deposited directly on the dielectric substrate or on the thin metallic (ferromagnetic) underlayer. The deposited elements can be both magnetic and nonmagnetic.

The enhancement is possible when the magnonic and phononic bands coincides in frequency domain and ensured for the surface elastic waves (of Rayleigh and Sezawa type) localized in the area where the ferromagnetic elements (underlayer and stripes or dots) are located (i.e. on the surface). The elastic stress concentrated in ferromagnetic (magnetostrictive) subsystem induces the magneto-elastic coupling which can damp or amplify the spin waves dynamics at selected resonance frequencies (depending if the elastic wave is thermally activated or generated in the form of coherent acoustic wave).

Due to the periodicity of phononic (magnonic) subsystem the phononic (magnonic) dispersion will be folded. This allows to fulfill the resonance conditions for strong magneto-elastic coupling at a few frequencies corresponding to the multiple crossing of dispersion bands of phononic and magnonic systems. The magneto-elastic coupling can be also tuned in periodic nanostructures be adjusting the external magnetic field. The appropriately chosen magnetic field can the enhance (or reduce) the overlapping of magonic and phononic bands by shifting of the magnonic spectrum in frequency domain. This leads to the increase (or decrease) of the strength of magneto-elastic interactions.

For selected systems in which strong magneto-elastic coupling were observed, we are going to investigate (numerically and experimentally) the possibility of spin wave (elastic wave) amplification by the interaction with elastic wave (spin wave) generated by piezoelectric transducers (micro stripe antenna). The outcomes, we will obtain form this study, will allow us to verify the research hypothesis about the possibility of change of magneto-elastic coupling by periodic patterning of the system.

Research project methodology

The research plan encompasses both theoretical and experimental investigations covering the whole cycle of research: numerical simulation – fabrication – characterization – interpretation and theoretical analysis. The theoretical research will be focused on solution of equations describing dynamics of elastic waves (classical theory of elasticity) and spin waves (Landau-Lifshitz equation). The magneto-elastic interactions will be included into Landau-Lifshitz equation be adding the additional term to effective field describing the magnetic fields induced by elastic – determined by the solution of the equations of theory of elasticity. The calculations will be performed with the aid of finite element method, plane wave method and discrete dipole method. The samples will originate from own resources or will be acquired from collaborating groups (third partners) which use the following techniques: electron-beam lithography and focused ion beam epitaxy. The topology of sample will be investigated using: polarization microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The spin wave and elastic wave spectra will be measured with the aid of: Brillouin spectrometer and vector network analyzer.

Expected impact of the research project on the development of science, civilization and society

The magnonics, based on spin wave excitations magnetic material, is a promising branch of technology used for signal processing, and transmission. The one of the main obstacles in the development of this field is damping of spin waves. Nowadays a lots of efforts is concentrated on reduction or on controlling of damping. It is especially important for sophisticated magnonic systems (like magnonic crystals) where the group velocity of spin waves is usually reduced. To achieve long range of spin wave propagation, we have to take spatial care about its life time and amplification of waves in such systems. Our research are focused on these issues. We plan to use elastic waves to amplify spin waves in magnonic nanostructures.

Research tasks

  • Theoretical and experimental investigation of the dispersion relation in phononic structures for selection of the most suitable systems for studies of magneto-elastic coupling
  • Numerical simulations and measurements of spin wave dispersion relations in magnonic crystals
  • Developing of theoretical methods and computational techniques for investigations of frequency spectra of magnonic-phononic structures with magneto-elastic coupling included
  • Exploitation of the magneto-elastic coupling in artificial crystals: investigation of the spin-waves (elastic waves) pumping by forced elastic waves (spin waves)




Maciej Wiesner, Richard H Roberts, Ruijing Ge, Lukas Mennel, Thomas Mueller, Jung-Fu Lin, Deji Akinwande, Jacek Jenczyk

Signatures of bright-to-dark exciton conversion in corrugated MoS2 monolayers

Applied Surface Science, 600 , pp. 154078, 2022, ISSN: 0169-4332.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Aleksandra Trzaskowska, P Graczyk, Nandan K. P. Babu, Miłosz Zdunek, H Głowiński, Jarosław W. Kłos, Sławomir Mielcarek

The studies on phonons and magnons in [CoFeB/Au]N multilayers of different number of repetitions

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 549 , pp. 169049, 2022, ISSN: 0304-8853.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX



Nandan K. P. Babu, Aleksandra Trzaskowska, Piotr Graczyk, Grzegorz Centała, Szymon Mieszczak, Hubert Głowiński, Miłosz Zdunek, Sławomir Mielcarek, Jarosław W. Kłos

The Interaction between Surface Acoustic Waves and Spin Waves: The Role of Anisotropy and Spatial Profiles of the Modes

Nano Lett., 21 (2), pp. 946-951, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX



M Zdunek, A Trzaskowska, J W Kłos, Nandan K. P. Babu, S Mielcarek

Investigation of phonons and magnons in [Ni80Fe20/Au/Co/Au]10 multilayers

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 500 , pp. 166428, 2020, ISSN: 03048853.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Szymon Mieszczak, Oksana Busel, Paweł Gruszecki, Andriy N Kuchko, Jarosław W. Kłos, Maciej Krawczyk

Anomalous Refraction of Spin Waves as a Way to Guide Signals in Curved Magnonic Multimode Waveguides

Physical Review Applied, 13 (5), pp. 054038, 2020, ISSN: 2331-7019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


A Trzaskowska, P Hakonen, M Wiesner, S Mielcarek

Generation of a mode in phononic crystal based on 1D/2D structures

Ultrasonics, 106 , pp. 106146, 2020, ISSN: 0041624X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX



K Szulc, F Lisiecki, A Makarov, M Zelent, P Kuświk, H Głowiński, J W Kłos, M Münzenberg, R Gieniusz, J Dubowik, F Stobiecki, M Krawczyk

Remagnetization in arrays of ferromagnetic nanostripes with periodic and quasiperiodic order

Physical Review B, 99 (6), pp. 064412, 2019, ISSN: 2469-9950, 2469-9969.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


G Centała, M L Sokolovskyy, C S Davies, M Mruczkiewicz, S Mamica, J Rychły, J W Kłos, V V Kruglyak, M Krawczyk

Influence of nonmagnetic dielectric spacers on the spin-wave response of one-dimensional planar magnonic crystals

Physical Review B, 100 (22), pp. 224428, 2019, ISSN: 2469-9950, 2469-9969.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Yulia Kharlan, Pavlo Bondarenko, Maciej Krawczyk, Olga Salyuk, Elena V. Tartakovskaya, Aleksandra Trzaskowska, Vladimir Golub

Standing spin waves in perpendicularly magnetized triangular dots

Physical Review B, 100 (18), pp. 184416, 2019, ISSN: 2469-9950, 2469-9969.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Filip Lisiecki, Justyna Rychły, Piotr Kuświk, Hubert Głowiński, Jarosław W Kłos, Felix Groß, Iuliia Bykova, Markus Weigand, Mateusz Zelent, Eberhard J Goering, Gisela Schütz, Gianluca Gubbiotti, Maciej Krawczyk, Feliks Stobiecki, Janusz Dubowik, Joachim Gräfe

Reprogrammability and Scalability of Magnonic Fibonacci Quasicrystals

Physical Review Applied, 11 (5), pp. 054003, 2019, ISSN: 2331-7019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Filip Lisiecki, Justyna Rychły, Piotr Kuświk, Hubert Głowiński, Jarosław W Kłos, Felix Groß, Nick Träger, Iuliia Bykova, Markus Weigand, Mateusz Zelent, Eberhard J Goering, Gislea Schütz, Maciej Krawczyk, Feliks Stobiecki, Janusz Dubowik, Joachim Gräfe

Magnons in a Quasicrystal: Propagation, Extinction, and Localization of Spin Waves in Fibonacci Structures

Physical Review Applied, 11 (5), pp. 054061, 2019, ISSN: 2331-7019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


S Mamica, M Krawczyk

Reversible tuning of omnidirectional band gaps in two-dimensional magnonic crystals by magnetic field and in-plane squeezing

Physical Review B, 100 (21), pp. 214410, 2019, ISSN: 2469-9950, 2469-9969.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


S Mamica, M Krawczyk, D Grundler

Nonuniform Spin-Wave Softening in Two-Dimensional Magnonic Crystals as a Tool for Opening Omnidirectional Magnonic Band Gaps

Physical Review Applied, 11 (5), pp. 054011, 2019, ISSN: 2331-7019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Nandan K. P. Babu, Aleksandra Trzaskowska, Sławomir Mielcarek, Hubert Głowinski, Oleksandr M. Chumak, Miłosz Zdunek, Jarosław W. Kłos, Maciej Krawczyk

Interaction Between Thermal Magnons and Phonons in a CoFeB/Au Multilayer

IEEE Magnetics Letters, 10 , pp. 1–5, 2019, ISSN: 1949-307X, 1949-3088.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX



S Mamica, X Zhou, A Adeyeye, M Krawczyk, G Gubbiotti

Spin-wave dynamics in artificial anti-spin-ice systems: Experimental and theoretical investigations

Phys. Rev. B, 98 , pp. 054405, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Jarosław W Kłos, Yuliya S Dadoenkova, Justyna Rychły, Nataliya N Dadoenkova, Igor L Lyubchanskii, Józef Barnaś

Hartman effect for spin waves in exchange regime

Scientific Reports, 8 (1), pp. 17944, 2018, ISSN: 2045-2322.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


C L Chang, S Mieszczak, M Zelent, V Besse, U Martens, R R Tamming, J Janusonis, P Graczyk, M Münzenberg, J W Kłos, R I Tobey

Driving Magnetization Dynamics in an On-Demand Magnonic Crystal via the Magnetoelastic Interactions

Physical Review Applied, 10 (6), pp. 064051, 2018, ISSN: 2331-7019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX



Piotr Graczyk, Maciej Krawczyk

Coupled-mode theory for the interaction between acoustic waves and spin waves in magnonic-phononic crystals: Propagating magnetoelastic waves

Phys. Rev. B, 96 , pp. 024407, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Piotr Graczyk, Jarosław W. Kłos, Maciej Krawczyk

Broadband magnetoelastic coupling in magnonic-phononic crystals for high-frequency nanoscale spin-wave generation

Phys. Rev. B, 95 , pp. 104425, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Talks and posters

XXXVI Dynamical Properties of Solids, 27-31.08.2017, Kraków, Poland
P. Graczyk , J. Kłos and M. Krawczyk
Optimizing acoustic wave – spin wave resonant coupling in the magphonic crystal, poster

Energy Materials Nanotechnology – Europe Meetings, 11-15.09.2017, Barcelone, Spain
Hubert Głowiński, Adam Krysztofik, Piotr Kuświk, Emerson Coy, Janusz Dubowik
Epitaxial yttrium iron garnet thin films for spin wave spectroscopy, invited talk

Joint meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions, 11-16.03.2018, Berlin, Germany
Chia-Lin Chang, Szymon Mieszczak, Ronnie Tamming, Mateusz Zelent, Julius Janusonis, Piotr Graczyk, Jarosław W. Kłos, Raanan I Tobey
A spin waves optical pumping in reconfigurable magnonic crystal, talk

IEEE International Conference on Microwave Magnetics, 24-27.06.2018, Exeter, UK,
J. W. Kłos, Y.S. Dadoenkova, J. Rychły, N. N. Dadoenkova, I. L. Lyubchnanskii, J. Barnaś
Harman effect for spin waves in exchange regime, talk

Advances in Brillouin Light Scattering & BioBrillouin Meeting, 12-14.09.2018, Perugia, Italy
Magnons and phonons BLS investigations in bilayer substituted YIG samples of complex magnetic configuration, poster

9th JEMS conference, (Joint European Magnetic Symposia), 9-7.09.2018, Mainz, Germany
S.Mieszczak, J.Kłos
Oblique propagation of spin waves in 1D magonic crystal, poster

ICM 2018, International Conference on Magnetism, 15-20.07.2018, San Francisco, USA
J. N. Rychly, G.Centala, J. W. Klos, V. Novosad
Spin wave propagation in the nanostripes – tuning of dynamical coupling, poster

3rd International Advanced School on Magnonics (Magnonics 2018), 17-21.09.2018, Kijów, Ukraina
S. Mamica, X. Zhou, A. Adeyeye, M. Krawczyk, G. Gubbiotti
Spin wave dynamics in artificial anti-spin-ice systems, poster

3rd International Advanced School on Magnonics (Magnonics 2018), 17-21.09.2018, Kijów, Ukraine
S. Mamica, M. Krawczyk, D. Grundler
Non-uniform softening of spin waves in two-dimensional magnonic crystals as a tool for a reversible tuning of omnidirectional band gaps, poster

SPIE Nanoscience + Engineering, 11-15.08.2019 San Diego, California, USA
J. Gräfe, M. Weigand, B. van Waeyenberge, A. Gangwar, F. Groß, F. Lisiecki, J. Rychly, H. Stoll, N. Träger, J. Förster, F. Stobiecki, J. Dubowik, J. Klos, M. Krawczyk, C. H. Back, E. J. Goering, G. Schütz
Visualizing nanoscale spin waves using MAXYMUS, talk

10th JEMS conference, (Joint European Magnetic Symposia), 26-30.08.2019, Uppsala, Szwecja
S. Mieszczak, G. Centała, J. Rychły, M. Krawczyk, J. W. Kłos
Spin wave localization on phasons in magnonic defects, talk

37th International Symposium on Dynamical Properties of Solids (DyProSo 2019), 09.08-12.2019, Ferrara, Italy
J. Rychły, V.S. Tkachenko, J. W. Kłos, A.N. Kuchko, M. Krawczyk
Spin Wave Modes in a Cylindrical Nanowire in Crossover of Dipolar-Exchange Regime, talk

META 2019, the 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 23-26.07.2019, Lizbona, Portugalia
J.W. Kłos, I.L. Lyubchanskii, Y.S. Dadoenkova, M. Krawczyk, N.N. Dadoenkova
Spin waves and electromagnetic waves in photonic-magnonic crystals, talk

24th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, 04-07.09.2019,Poznań, Polska
M. Zdunek, A. Trzaskowska, S. Mielcarek, J.W. Kłos, Nandan K.P. Babu, M. Wiesner, P. Kuświk
Investigation of phonons and magnons in [Ni80Fe20/Au/Co/Au]10 multilayers, talk

24th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, 04-07.09.2019,Poznań, Polska
S. Mieszczak, G. Centała, J. Rychły, M. Krawczyk, J.W. Kłos,
Spin wave defect states in magnonic quasicrystal, poster

24th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, 04-07.09.2019,Poznań, Polska
J. W. Kłos, S. Mieszczak, O. Busel, J. Rychły, M. Zelent
Phase and group delay of the spin waves scattered on magnetic barrier, poster

45. Zjazd Fizyków Polskich, 13-18.09.2019, Kraków, Polska
G. Centała M.L. Sokolovskyy, C.S. Davies, M. Mruczkiewicz, S. Mamica, J. Rychły, J.W. Kłos, V. Kruglyak, M. Krawczyk
Efekty dipolowe w planarnych kryształach magnonicznych, talk

45. Zjazd Fizyków Polskich, 13-18.09.2019, Kraków, Polska
S. Mieszczak, G. Centała, J. Rychły, M. Krawczyk, J. Kłos
Lokalizacja fali spinowej na defektach fazonowych w kwazikryształach magnonicznych, poster

10th JEMS conference, (Joint European Magnetic Symposia), 7-11.12.2020, Lizbona, Portugalia
Miłosz Zdunek
Study of phonons’ and magnons’ properties in (Ni80Fe20/Au/Co/Au) multilayers of different number of repetitions, talk

IEEE International Magnetics Virtual Conference (Intermag), 26-30.04.2021, Lyon, France (virtual conference)
N.K. Babu, A. Trzaskowska, P. Graczyk, G. Centala, S. Mieszczak, H. Glowinski, M. Zdunek, S. Mielcarek and J.W. Klos
The interaction between surface acoustic waves and spin waves: the role of anisotropy and spatial profiles of the modes, talk

The European Conference Physics of Magnetism’21, 28.06-02.07.2021, Poznań, Poland
A. Trzaskowska, N.K.P. Babu, J.W. Kłos, M. Zdunek, and S. Mielcarek
The studies on phonons and magnons in [CoFeB/Au]N multilayers of different number of repetitions, poster

2022 Joint MMM-INTERMAG conference, 10-14.01.2022, New Orleans, USA
N.K. Babu, A. Trzaskowska, P. Graczyk, G. Centala, S. Mieszczak, H. Glowinski, M. Zdunek, S. Mielcarek and J.W. Klos
Conditions for effective coupling between surface acoustic waves and spin waves, invited talk


The Fifth Poznań Symposium on Quantum Technologies, Nonlinear Optics, Magnonics, and Metamaterials (QTecNOMM), 15.10, 18.10, 23.10, 14-18.11.2019

The Forth Poznań Symposium on Quantum Technologies, Nonlinear Optics, Magnonics, and Metamaterials (QTecNOMM), 28.11, 5-6.12.2018