Dr hab. Jarosław W. Kłos, prof. UAM
- Tel: +48 61 829 5073
- Loc: wing G, second floor, room 294
- Email: klos@amu.edu.pl
- URL: http://klos.home.amu.edu.pl/
Scientific degrees
Habilitation – 2014
PhD in physics – 2004
MSc in physics – 2000
Research interests
Keywords: magnonic crystals and quasicrystlas, magnonic waveguides, spin wave surface states, spin wave localization, magneto-elastic interactions
Research stays
2017-2018 – Alfried Krupp Senior Fellowship, Greifswald Univeristät, Gremany
2008-2009 – Postdoctoral Researcher, grant of Polish Ministry of Science and Higer Education, Department of Science and Technology, Linköping University, Norrköping, Sweden
3. | Jarosław W. Kłos Low-loss current- and flux quanta-controlled magnonics 2023 - 2026, (NCN OPUS-LAP, No. 2021/43/I/ST3/00550, budget: 1 042 994 PLN). @misc{klosopuslap, title = {Low-loss current- and flux quanta-controlled magnonics}, author = {Jarosław W. Kłos}, url = {https://isik.amu.edu.pl/flumag/}, year = {2026}, date = {2026-01-01}, abstract = {Ferromagnetism (F) and superconductivity (S) belong to the most fundamental phenomena in condensed matter physics. Due to incompatible spin orders and antagonistic responses to an external magnetic field, their combination gives rise to numerous novel phenomena. However, the coexistence of F and S in bulk systems remains a rare circumstance peculiar to complex compounds. At the same time, the coexistence of S and F can be readily achieved in artificial ferromagnet/superconductor (F/S) heterostructures. In this regard, F/S hybrid structures can be classified either as proximity-coupled (i.e., electrically connected) or as stray-field-coupled (i.e., electrically insulated). The project FulMag is formulated to scrutinize the physics of spin waves in electrically insulated F/S heterostructures where the interplay of spin-wave dynamics in a ferromagnet with stray fields produced by eddy currents in a superconductor can be used to explore novel magnonic functionalities in the emerging domain of cryogenic magnonics. We will conceive theoretical foundations of the spin-wave dynamics in F/S hybrid structures and elaborate novel concepts for the excitation, manipulation, and detection of spin waves, which are beyond the reach of traditional magnonic approaches. The focus will be pointed towards cryogenic magnonic nano-devices operating preferably in the short-wavelength (exchange) spin-wave regime. Their realization will be underpinned by the fundamental physical phenomena of Meissner screening and the Cherenkov radiation of magnons originating from moving magnetic flux quanta (Abrikosov vortices). A complete and multidisciplinary theoretical description, encompassing finite-element micromagnetic simulations in conjunction with the state-of-the-art phenomenological models relying upon the Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert equation for dipole-exchange spin-waves and the London equations or Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductivity, will allow us to design F/S hybrids with targeted functionalities. We are going to use the stray field generated by the superconducting pattern to confine and guide the spin waves in a homogeneous ferromagnetic layer. We are planning to investigate spin-wave couplers realizing the non-reciprocal spin-wave transmission/reflection and graded-index structures controlling the spin-wave refraction. Device prototypes will be examined at microwave frequencies up to 70 GHz, vector magnetic fields up to 9 T, temperatures down to 10 mK, and by time- and spatially-resolved optical spectroscopy methods. The project results will have a great impact on the domains of microwave magnetism, superconductivity, and emerging magnon-based quantum technologies.}, howpublished = {2023}, note = {NCN OPUS-LAP, No. 2021/43/I/ST3/00550, budget: 1 042 994 PLN}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {misc} } Ferromagnetism (F) and superconductivity (S) belong to the most fundamental phenomena in condensed matter physics. Due to incompatible spin orders and antagonistic responses to an external magnetic field, their combination gives rise to numerous novel phenomena. However, the coexistence of F and S in bulk systems remains a rare circumstance peculiar to complex compounds. At the same time, the coexistence of S and F can be readily achieved in artificial ferromagnet/superconductor (F/S) heterostructures. In this regard, F/S hybrid structures can be classified either as proximity-coupled (i.e., electrically connected) or as stray-field-coupled (i.e., electrically insulated). The project FulMag is formulated to scrutinize the physics of spin waves in electrically insulated F/S heterostructures where the interplay of spin-wave dynamics in a ferromagnet with stray fields produced by eddy currents in a superconductor can be used to explore novel magnonic functionalities in the emerging domain of cryogenic magnonics. We will conceive theoretical foundations of the spin-wave dynamics in F/S hybrid structures and elaborate novel concepts for the excitation, manipulation, and detection of spin waves, which are beyond the reach of traditional magnonic approaches. The focus will be pointed towards cryogenic magnonic nano-devices operating preferably in the short-wavelength (exchange) spin-wave regime. Their realization will be underpinned by the fundamental physical phenomena of Meissner screening and the Cherenkov radiation of magnons originating from moving magnetic flux quanta (Abrikosov vortices). A complete and multidisciplinary theoretical description, encompassing finite-element micromagnetic simulations in conjunction with the state-of-the-art phenomenological models relying upon the Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert equation for dipole-exchange spin-waves and the London equations or Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductivity, will allow us to design F/S hybrids with targeted functionalities. We are going to use the stray field generated by the superconducting pattern to confine and guide the spin waves in a homogeneous ferromagnetic layer. We are planning to investigate spin-wave couplers realizing the non-reciprocal spin-wave transmission/reflection and graded-index structures controlling the spin-wave refraction. Device prototypes will be examined at microwave frequencies up to 70 GHz, vector magnetic fields up to 9 T, temperatures down to 10 mK, and by time- and spatially-resolved optical spectroscopy methods. The project results will have a great impact on the domains of microwave magnetism, superconductivity, and emerging magnon-based quantum technologies. |
2. | Jarosław W. Kłos Spin waves in hybrid nanostructures – the role of surface anisotropy 2021 - 2025, (NCN PRELUDIUM-BIS-2, No. 2020/39/O/ST5/02110, budget: 484 129 PLN). @misc{klospreludium, title = { Spin waves in hybrid nanostructures – the role of surface anisotropy}, author = {Jarosław W. Kłos}, url = {https://isik.amu.edu.pl/spin-waves-hybrid-nanostructures-and-anisotropy/}, year = {2025}, date = {2025-09-30}, abstract = {The magnonic systems (nanostructures supporting the spin wave dynamics) can be combined by magnetoelastic interaction with phononic systems (processing the elastic waves) or by the electromagnetic coupling with superconducting structures (where the superconducting eddy currents generate magnetic stray field). In these hybrid structures, the impact of the surface anisotropy seems to be very important for the boundary condition of combined excitations: (i) magnetoelastic waves or (ii) spin waves coupled to eddy currents. Moreover, the spin waves pinning resulting from the surface anisotropy will affect the spatial crosssection of elastic waves and spin waves (for magnonic-phononic hybrids) or dynamic magnetic fields produced by spin wakes and eddy currents (for magnonic-superconducting hybrids). The main scientific goal of the project is to investigate the impact of surface anisotropy on the interaction between spin waves and elastic waves (or eddy currents) in hybrid magnonic-phononic (and magnonicsuperconducting) structures. The research hypothesis is that the surface anisotropy can change the conditions at the interface between magnonic and non-magnonic components of hybrid system boundary for dynamic excitation. We think this opened the possibility to tailor the coupling between spin waves and non-magnetic excitations by changing the state of the interface between the subsystems in a hybrid structure.}, howpublished = {2021}, note = {NCN PRELUDIUM-BIS-2, No. 2020/39/O/ST5/02110, budget: 484 129 PLN}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {misc} } The magnonic systems (nanostructures supporting the spin wave dynamics) can be combined by magnetoelastic interaction with phononic systems (processing the elastic waves) or by the electromagnetic coupling with superconducting structures (where the superconducting eddy currents generate magnetic stray field). In these hybrid structures, the impact of the surface anisotropy seems to be very important for the boundary condition of combined excitations: (i) magnetoelastic waves or (ii) spin waves coupled to eddy currents. Moreover, the spin waves pinning resulting from the surface anisotropy will affect the spatial crosssection of elastic waves and spin waves (for magnonic-phononic hybrids) or dynamic magnetic fields produced by spin wakes and eddy currents (for magnonic-superconducting hybrids). The main scientific goal of the project is to investigate the impact of surface anisotropy on the interaction between spin waves and elastic waves (or eddy currents) in hybrid magnonic-phononic (and magnonicsuperconducting) structures. The research hypothesis is that the surface anisotropy can change the conditions at the interface between magnonic and non-magnonic components of hybrid system boundary for dynamic excitation. We think this opened the possibility to tailor the coupling between spin waves and non-magnetic excitations by changing the state of the interface between the subsystems in a hybrid structure. |
1. | Jarosław W. Kłos 2016 - 2021, (NCN OPUS 11, No. 2016/21/B/ST3/00452, budget: 999 980,00 PLN ). @misc{Kłos2021, title = {Modification of the interactions between magnons and phonons in periodic nanostructures by adjusting the structural and material parameters}, author = {Jarosław W. Kłos}, url = {http://isik.amu.edu.pl/interactions-between-magnons-and-phonons/}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-12-01}, abstract = {The project is focused on the interactions between magnons and phonons in nanostructures. We are going to consider the system in which the existence both spin waves and elastic waves is possible. The main goal of this Project is modification of the interaction between magnons and phonons by adjusting the structural and material parameters of periodic nanostructures. The investigated periodic structures will be designed to alter (to enhance or to weaken) the dynamical magneto-elastic interactions by deliberate introduction of structural and material changes or by adjustment of the external magnetic field. We plan to study the systems composed of elastic slab loaded by periodic array of elements deposited on its surface. The elements (stripes or dots) can be deposited directly on the dielectric substrate or on the thin metallic (ferromagnetic) underlayer. The deposited elements can be both magnetic and nonmagnetic. The enhancement is possible when the magnonic and phononic bands coincides in frequency domain and ensured for the surface elastic waves (of Rayleigh and Sezawa type) localized in the area where the ferromagnetic elements (underlayer and stripes or dots) are located (i.e. on the surface). The elastic stress concentrated in ferromagnetic (magnetostrictive) subsystem induces the magneto-elastic coupling which can damp or amplify the spin waves dynamics at selected resonance frequencies (depending if the elastic wave is thermally activated or generated in the form of coherent acoustic wave). Due to the periodicity of phononic (magnonic) subsystem the phononic (magnonic) dispersion will be folded. This allows to fulfill the resonance conditions for strong magneto-elastic coupling at a few frequencies corresponding to the multiple crossing of dispersion bands of phononic and magnonic systems. The magneto-elastic coupling can be also tuned in periodic nanostructures be adjusting the external magnetic field. The appropriately chosen magnetic field can the enhance (or reduce) the overlapping of magonic and phononic bands by shifting of the magnonic spectrum in frequency domain. This leads to the increase (or decrease) of the strength of magneto-elastic interactions. For selected systems in which strong magneto-elastic coupling were observed, we are going to investigate (numerically and experimentally) the possibility of spin wave (elastic wave) amplification by the interaction with elastic wave (spin wave) generated by piezoelectric transducers (micro stripe antenna). The outcomes, we will obtain form this study, will allow us to verify the research hypothesis about the possibility of change of magneto-elastic coupling by periodic patterning of the system. The research plan encompasses both theoretical and experimental investigations covering the whole cycle of research: numerical simulation – fabrication – characterization – interpretation and theoretical analysis. The theoretical research will be focused on solution of equations describing dynamics of elastic waves (classical theory of elasticity) and spin waves (Landau-Lifshitz equation). The magneto-elastic interactions will be included into Landau-Lifshitz equation be adding the additional term to effective field describing the magnetic fields induced by elastic – determined by the solution of the equations of theory of elasticity. The calculations will be performed with the aid of finite element method, plane wave method and discrete dipole method. The samples will originate from own resources or will be acquired from collaborating groups (third partners) which use the following techniques: electron-beam lithography and focused ion beam epitaxy. The topology of sample will be investigated using: polarization microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The spin wave and elastic wave spectra will be measured with the aid of: Brillouin spectrometer and vector network analyzer. The magnonics, based on spin wave excitations magnetic material, is a promising branch of technology used for signal processing, and transmission. The one of the main obstacles in the development of this field is damping of spin waves. Nowadays a lots of efforts is concentrated on reduction or on controlling of damping. It is especially important for sophisticated magnonic systems (like magnonic crystals) where the group velocity of spin waves is usually reduced. To achieve long range of spin wave propagation, we have to take spatial care about its life time and amplification of waves in such systems. Our research are focused on these issues. We plan to use elastic waves to amplify spin waves in magnonic nanostructures.}, howpublished = {2016}, note = {NCN OPUS 11, No. 2016/21/B/ST3/00452, budget: 999 980,00 PLN }, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {misc} } The project is focused on the interactions between magnons and phonons in nanostructures. We are going to consider the system in which the existence both spin waves and elastic waves is possible. The main goal of this Project is modification of the interaction between magnons and phonons by adjusting the structural and material parameters of periodic nanostructures. The investigated periodic structures will be designed to alter (to enhance or to weaken) the dynamical magneto-elastic interactions by deliberate introduction of structural and material changes or by adjustment of the external magnetic field. We plan to study the systems composed of elastic slab loaded by periodic array of elements deposited on its surface. The elements (stripes or dots) can be deposited directly on the dielectric substrate or on the thin metallic (ferromagnetic) underlayer. The deposited elements can be both magnetic and nonmagnetic. The enhancement is possible when the magnonic and phononic bands coincides in frequency domain and ensured for the surface elastic waves (of Rayleigh and Sezawa type) localized in the area where the ferromagnetic elements (underlayer and stripes or dots) are located (i.e. on the surface). The elastic stress concentrated in ferromagnetic (magnetostrictive) subsystem induces the magneto-elastic coupling which can damp or amplify the spin waves dynamics at selected resonance frequencies (depending if the elastic wave is thermally activated or generated in the form of coherent acoustic wave). Due to the periodicity of phononic (magnonic) subsystem the phononic (magnonic) dispersion will be folded. This allows to fulfill the resonance conditions for strong magneto-elastic coupling at a few frequencies corresponding to the multiple crossing of dispersion bands of phononic and magnonic systems. The magneto-elastic coupling can be also tuned in periodic nanostructures be adjusting the external magnetic field. The appropriately chosen magnetic field can the enhance (or reduce) the overlapping of magonic and phononic bands by shifting of the magnonic spectrum in frequency domain. This leads to the increase (or decrease) of the strength of magneto-elastic interactions. For selected systems in which strong magneto-elastic coupling were observed, we are going to investigate (numerically and experimentally) the possibility of spin wave (elastic wave) amplification by the interaction with elastic wave (spin wave) generated by piezoelectric transducers (micro stripe antenna). The outcomes, we will obtain form this study, will allow us to verify the research hypothesis about the possibility of change of magneto-elastic coupling by periodic patterning of the system. The research plan encompasses both theoretical and experimental investigations covering the whole cycle of research: numerical simulation – fabrication – characterization – interpretation and theoretical analysis. The theoretical research will be focused on solution of equations describing dynamics of elastic waves (classical theory of elasticity) and spin waves (Landau-Lifshitz equation). The magneto-elastic interactions will be included into Landau-Lifshitz equation be adding the additional term to effective field describing the magnetic fields induced by elastic – determined by the solution of the equations of theory of elasticity. The calculations will be performed with the aid of finite element method, plane wave method and discrete dipole method. The samples will originate from own resources or will be acquired from collaborating groups (third partners) which use the following techniques: electron-beam lithography and focused ion beam epitaxy. The topology of sample will be investigated using: polarization microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The spin wave and elastic wave spectra will be measured with the aid of: Brillouin spectrometer and vector network analyzer. The magnonics, based on spin wave excitations magnetic material, is a promising branch of technology used for signal processing, and transmission. The one of the main obstacles in the development of this field is damping of spin waves. Nowadays a lots of efforts is concentrated on reduction or on controlling of damping. It is especially important for sophisticated magnonic systems (like magnonic crystals) where the group velocity of spin waves is usually reduced. To achieve long range of spin wave propagation, we have to take spatial care about its life time and amplification of waves in such systems. Our research are focused on these issues. We plan to use elastic waves to amplify spin waves in magnonic nanostructures. |
2024 |
18. | P Graczyk, Bivas Rana, Aleksandra Trzaskowska, B K Mahato, Jarosław W. Kłos, Maciej Krawczyk, A Barman Ultrasonics, 148 , pp. 107522, 2024, ISSN: 0041-624X. @article{GRACZYK2025107522, title = {Optical excitation and detection of high-frequency Sezawa modes in Si/SiO2 system decorated with Ni80Fe20 nanodot arrays}, author = {P Graczyk and Bivas Rana and Aleksandra Trzaskowska and B K Mahato and Jarosław W. Kłos and Maciej Krawczyk and A Barman}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0041624X24002853}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultras.2024.107522}, issn = {0041-624X}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-12-04}, journal = {Ultrasonics}, volume = {148}, pages = {107522}, abstract = {Surface acoustic waves have emerged as one of the potential candidates for the development of next-generation wave-based information and computing technologies. For practical devices, it is essential to develop the excitation techniques for different types of surface acoustic waves, especially at higher microwave frequencies, and to tailor their frequency versus wave vector characteristics. We show that this can be done by using ultrashort laser pulses incident on the surface of a multilayer decorated with a periodic array of metallic nanodots. Specifically, we study surface acoustic waves in the dielectric substrate Si/SiO2 decorated with a square lattice of thin Ni80Fe20 (Py) dots. Using a femtosecond laser-based optical pump–probe measurement, we detect a number of high-frequency phononic modes. By performing finite element simulations, we identify them as Sezawa modes from the second and third Brillouin zone in addition to the modes confined within the Py dots. The frequency of the Sezawa modes strongly depends on the period of the Py dots and varies in the range between 5 to 15 GHz. Both types of waves cover the same frequency range for Py dots with period less than 400 nm, providing a promising system for magnetoelastic studies.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Surface acoustic waves have emerged as one of the potential candidates for the development of next-generation wave-based information and computing technologies. For practical devices, it is essential to develop the excitation techniques for different types of surface acoustic waves, especially at higher microwave frequencies, and to tailor their frequency versus wave vector characteristics. We show that this can be done by using ultrashort laser pulses incident on the surface of a multilayer decorated with a periodic array of metallic nanodots. Specifically, we study surface acoustic waves in the dielectric substrate Si/SiO2 decorated with a square lattice of thin Ni80Fe20 (Py) dots. Using a femtosecond laser-based optical pump–probe measurement, we detect a number of high-frequency phononic modes. By performing finite element simulations, we identify them as Sezawa modes from the second and third Brillouin zone in addition to the modes confined within the Py dots. The frequency of the Sezawa modes strongly depends on the period of the Py dots and varies in the range between 5 to 15 GHz. Both types of waves cover the same frequency range for Py dots with period less than 400 nm, providing a promising system for magnetoelastic studies. |
17. | Aleksey Girich, Liubov Ivzhenko, Ganna Kharchenko, Sergey Polevoy, Sergey Tarapov, Maciej Krawczyk, Jarosław W. Kłos Existence of edge modes in periodic microstrip transmission line Scientific Reports, 14 (1), pp. 16477, 2024, ISSN: 2045-2322. @article{girich_existence_2024, title = {Existence of edge modes in periodic microstrip transmission line}, author = {Aleksey Girich and Liubov Ivzhenko and Ganna Kharchenko and Sergey Polevoy and Sergey Tarapov and Maciej Krawczyk and Jarosław W. Kłos}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-67610-9}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-024-67610-9}, issn = {2045-2322}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-07-16}, urldate = {2024-07-17}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {14}, number = {1}, pages = {16477}, abstract = {The microstrip of modulated width is a realization of a one-dimensional photonic crystal operating in the microwave regime. Like any photonic crystal, the periodic microstrip is characterised by the presence of frequency bands and band gaps that enable and prohibit wave propagation, respectively. The frequency bands for microstrip of the symmetric unit cell can be distinguished by 0 or pi Zak phase. The sum of these topological parameters for all bands below a given frequency gap determines the value of the surface impedance at the end of the microstrip. We demonstrate that edge modes are absent in a finite microstrip terminated at both ends in the centres of unit cells, but they can be induced by adding the defected cells. Edge modes present at both ends of the microstrip enable microwave tunneling with high transitivity in the frequency gap with or without a change in phase. This has been demonstrated experimentally and developed in detail using numerical simulations and model calculations. The investigated system, with a doublet of edge modes in the frequency gap, can be considered as a narrow passband filter of high selectivity and characterised by a significant group delay.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } The microstrip of modulated width is a realization of a one-dimensional photonic crystal operating in the microwave regime. Like any photonic crystal, the periodic microstrip is characterised by the presence of frequency bands and band gaps that enable and prohibit wave propagation, respectively. The frequency bands for microstrip of the symmetric unit cell can be distinguished by 0 or pi Zak phase. The sum of these topological parameters for all bands below a given frequency gap determines the value of the surface impedance at the end of the microstrip. We demonstrate that edge modes are absent in a finite microstrip terminated at both ends in the centres of unit cells, but they can be induced by adding the defected cells. Edge modes present at both ends of the microstrip enable microwave tunneling with high transitivity in the frequency gap with or without a change in phase. This has been demonstrated experimentally and developed in detail using numerical simulations and model calculations. The investigated system, with a doublet of edge modes in the frequency gap, can be considered as a narrow passband filter of high selectivity and characterised by a significant group delay. |
16. | Yulia Kharlan, Krzysztof Sobucki, Krzysztof Szulc, Sara Memarzadeh, Jarosław W. Kłos Spin-wave confinement in a hybrid superconductor-ferrimagnet nanostructure Phys. Rev. Appl., 21 , pp. 064007, 2024. @article{PhysRevApplied.21.064007, title = {Spin-wave confinement in a hybrid superconductor-ferrimagnet nanostructure}, author = {Yulia Kharlan and Krzysztof Sobucki and Krzysztof Szulc and Sara Memarzadeh and Jarosław W. Kłos}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.21.064007}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevApplied.21.064007}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-06-05}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Appl.}, volume = {21}, pages = {064007}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, abstract = {Eddy currents in a superconductor shield the magnetic field in its interior and are responsible for the formation of a magnetic stray field outside of the superconducting structure. The stray field can be controlled by the external magnetic field and affect the magnetization dynamics in the magnetic system placed in its range. In the case of a hybrid system consisting of a superconducting strip placed over a magnetic layer, we theoretically predict the confinement of spin waves in the well of the static stray field. The number of bound states and their frequencies can be controlled by an external magnetic field. We present the results of semianalytical calculations complemented by numerical modeling.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Eddy currents in a superconductor shield the magnetic field in its interior and are responsible for the formation of a magnetic stray field outside of the superconducting structure. The stray field can be controlled by the external magnetic field and affect the magnetization dynamics in the magnetic system placed in its range. In the case of a hybrid system consisting of a superconducting strip placed over a magnetic layer, we theoretically predict the confinement of spin waves in the well of the static stray field. The number of bound states and their frequencies can be controlled by an external magnetic field. We present the results of semianalytical calculations complemented by numerical modeling. |
15. | Nikhil Kumar, Paweł Gruszecki, Mateusz Gołębiewski, Jarosław W. Kłos, Maciej Krawczyk Exciting High-Frequency Short-Wavelength Spin Waves using High Harmonics of a Magnonic Cavity Mode Advanced Quantum Technologies, n/a (n/a), pp. 2400015, 2024. @article{https://doi.org/10.1002/qute.202400015, title = {Exciting High-Frequency Short-Wavelength Spin Waves using High Harmonics of a Magnonic Cavity Mode}, author = {Nikhil Kumar and Paweł Gruszecki and Mateusz Gołębiewski and Jarosław W. Kłos and Maciej Krawczyk}, url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/qute.202400015}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1002/qute.202400015}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-03-29}, journal = {Advanced Quantum Technologies}, volume = {n/a}, number = {n/a}, pages = {2400015}, abstract = {Abstract Spin waves (SWs) are promising objects for signal processing and future quantum technologies due to their high microwave frequencies with corresponding nanoscale wavelengths. However, the nano-wavelength SWs generated so far are limited to low frequencies. In the paper, using micromagnetic simulations, it is shown that a microwave-pumped SW mode confined to the cavity of a thin film magnonic crystal (MC) can be used to generate waves at tens of GHz and wavelengths well below 50 nm. These multi-frequency harmonics of the fundamental cavity mode are generated when the amplitude of the pumping microwave field exceeds a threshold, and their intensities then scale linearly with the field intensity. The frequency of the cavity mode is equal to the ferromagnetic resonance frequency of the planar ferromagnetic film, which overlaps with the magnonic bandgap, providing an efficient mechanism for confinement and magnetic field tunability. The effect reaches saturation when the microstrip feed line covers the entire cavity, making the system feasible for realization.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Abstract Spin waves (SWs) are promising objects for signal processing and future quantum technologies due to their high microwave frequencies with corresponding nanoscale wavelengths. However, the nano-wavelength SWs generated so far are limited to low frequencies. In the paper, using micromagnetic simulations, it is shown that a microwave-pumped SW mode confined to the cavity of a thin film magnonic crystal (MC) can be used to generate waves at tens of GHz and wavelengths well below 50 nm. These multi-frequency harmonics of the fundamental cavity mode are generated when the amplitude of the pumping microwave field exceeds a threshold, and their intensities then scale linearly with the field intensity. The frequency of the cavity mode is equal to the ferromagnetic resonance frequency of the planar ferromagnetic film, which overlaps with the magnonic bandgap, providing an efficient mechanism for confinement and magnetic field tunability. The effect reaches saturation when the microstrip feed line covers the entire cavity, making the system feasible for realization. |
2023 |
14. | Gauthier Philippe, Mathieu Moalic, Jarosław W. Kłos Unidirectional spin wave emission by traveling pair of magnetic field profiles Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 587 , pp. 171359, 2023, ISSN: 0304-8853. @article{PHILIPPE2023171359, title = {Unidirectional spin wave emission by traveling pair of magnetic field profiles}, author = {Gauthier Philippe and Mathieu Moalic and Jarosław W. Kłos}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304885323010090}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2023.171359}, issn = {0304-8853}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-10-11}, journal = {Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials}, volume = {587}, pages = {171359}, abstract = {We demonstrate that the spin wave Cherenkov effect can be used to design the unidirectional spin wave emitter with tunable frequency and switchable direction of emission. In our numerical studies, we propose to use a pair of traveling profiles of the magnetic field which generate the spin waves, for sufficiently large velocity of their motion. In the considered system, the spin waves of shorter (longer) wavelengths are induced at the front (back) of the moving profiles and interfere constructively or destructively, depending on the velocity of the profiles. Moreover, we showed that the spin waves can be confined between the pair of traveling profiles of the magnetic field. This work opens the perspectives for the experimental studies in hybrid magnonic-superconducting systems where the magnetic vortices in a superconductor can be used as moving sources of the magnetic field driving the spin waves in the ferromagnetic subsystem.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } We demonstrate that the spin wave Cherenkov effect can be used to design the unidirectional spin wave emitter with tunable frequency and switchable direction of emission. In our numerical studies, we propose to use a pair of traveling profiles of the magnetic field which generate the spin waves, for sufficiently large velocity of their motion. In the considered system, the spin waves of shorter (longer) wavelengths are induced at the front (back) of the moving profiles and interfere constructively or destructively, depending on the velocity of the profiles. Moreover, we showed that the spin waves can be confined between the pair of traveling profiles of the magnetic field. This work opens the perspectives for the experimental studies in hybrid magnonic-superconducting systems where the magnetic vortices in a superconductor can be used as moving sources of the magnetic field driving the spin waves in the ferromagnetic subsystem. |
13. | Grzegorz Centała, Jarosław W. Kłos Shaping magnetization dynamics in a planar square dot by adjusting its surface anisotropy Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 587 , pp. 171254, 2023, ISSN: 0304-8853. @article{CENTALA2023171254, title = {Shaping magnetization dynamics in a planar square dot by adjusting its surface anisotropy}, author = {Grzegorz Centała and Jarosław W. Kłos}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304885323009046}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2023.171254}, issn = {0304-8853}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-09-22}, journal = {Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials}, volume = {587}, pages = {171254}, abstract = {A planar square dot is one of the simplest structures confined to three dimensions. Despite its geometrical simplicity, the description of the spin wave modes in this structure is not trivial due to the competition of dipolar and exchange interactions. An additional factor that makes this description challenging are the boundary conditions depend both on non-local dipolar interactions and local surface parameters such as surface anisotropy. In the presented work, we showed how the surface anisotropy applied at the lateral faces of the dot can tune the frequency of fundamental mode in the planar CoFeB dot, magnetized in an out-of-plane direction. Moreover, we analyzed the spin wave profile of the fundamental mode and the corresponding dynamic stray field. We showed that the asymmetric application of surface anisotropy produces an asymmetric profile of dynamic stray field for square dot and can be used to tailor inter-dot coupling. The calculations were performed with the use of the finite-element method.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } A planar square dot is one of the simplest structures confined to three dimensions. Despite its geometrical simplicity, the description of the spin wave modes in this structure is not trivial due to the competition of dipolar and exchange interactions. An additional factor that makes this description challenging are the boundary conditions depend both on non-local dipolar interactions and local surface parameters such as surface anisotropy. In the presented work, we showed how the surface anisotropy applied at the lateral faces of the dot can tune the frequency of fundamental mode in the planar CoFeB dot, magnetized in an out-of-plane direction. Moreover, we analyzed the spin wave profile of the fundamental mode and the corresponding dynamic stray field. We showed that the asymmetric application of surface anisotropy produces an asymmetric profile of dynamic stray field for square dot and can be used to tailor inter-dot coupling. The calculations were performed with the use of the finite-element method. |
12. | Grzegorz Centała, Jarosław W. Kłos Compact localized states in magnonic Lieb lattices Scientific Reports, 13 (1), pp. 12676, 2023, ISSN: 2045-2322. @article{centala_compact_2023, title = {Compact localized states in magnonic Lieb lattices}, author = {Grzegorz Centała and Jarosław W. Kłos}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-39816-w}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-023-39816-w}, issn = {2045-2322}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-08-04}, urldate = {2023-08-04}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {12676}, abstract = {Lieb lattice is one of the simplest bipartite lattices, where compact localized states (CLS) are observed. This type of localization is induced by the peculiar topology of the unit cell, where the modes are localized only on selected sublattices due to the destructive interference of partial waves. We demonstrate the possibility of magnonic Lieb lattice realization, where flat bands and CLS can be observed in the planar structure of sub-micron in-plane sizes. Using forward volume configuration, the Ga-doped YIG layer with cylindrical inclusions (without Ga content) arranged in a Lieb lattice with 250 nm period was investigated numerically (finite-element method). The structure was tailored to observe, for a lowest magnonic bands, the oscillatory and evanescent spin waves in inclusions and matrix, respectively. Such a design reproduces the Lieb lattice of nodes (inclusions) coupled to each other by the matrix with the CLS in flat bands.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Lieb lattice is one of the simplest bipartite lattices, where compact localized states (CLS) are observed. This type of localization is induced by the peculiar topology of the unit cell, where the modes are localized only on selected sublattices due to the destructive interference of partial waves. We demonstrate the possibility of magnonic Lieb lattice realization, where flat bands and CLS can be observed in the planar structure of sub-micron in-plane sizes. Using forward volume configuration, the Ga-doped YIG layer with cylindrical inclusions (without Ga content) arranged in a Lieb lattice with 250 nm period was investigated numerically (finite-element method). The structure was tailored to observe, for a lowest magnonic bands, the oscillatory and evanescent spin waves in inclusions and matrix, respectively. Such a design reproduces the Lieb lattice of nodes (inclusions) coupled to each other by the matrix with the CLS in flat bands. |
2022 |
11. | Justyna Rychły-Gruszecka, Jakob Walowski, Christian Denker, Tobias Tubandt, Markus Munzenberg, Jarosław W. Kłos Shaping the spin wave spectra of planar 1D magnonic crystals by the geometrical constraints Scientific Reports, 12 (1), pp. 20678, 2022, ISSN: 2045-2322. @article{Rychły-Gruszecka2022, title = {Shaping the spin wave spectra of planar 1D magnonic crystals by the geometrical constraints}, author = {Justyna Rychły-Gruszecka and Jakob Walowski and Christian Denker and Tobias Tubandt and Markus Munzenberg and Jarosław W. Kłos}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-24969-x}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-022-24969-x}, issn = {2045-2322}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-11-30}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {12}, number = {1}, pages = {20678}, abstract = {We present experimental and numerical studies demonstrating the influence of geometrical parameters on the fundamental spin-wave mode in planar 1D magnonic crystals. The investigated magnonic crystals consist of flat stripes separated by air gaps. The adjustment of geometrical parameters allows tailoring of the spin-wave frequencies. The width of stripes and the width of gaps between them affect spin-wave frequencies in two ways. First, directly by geometrical constraints confining the spin waves inside the stripes. Second, indirectly by spin-wave pinning, freeing the spin waves to a different extent on the edges of stripes. Experimentally, the fundamental spin-wave mode frequencies are measured using an all-optical pump-probe time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr-effect setup. Our studies address the problem of spin-wave confinement and spin-wave dipolar pinning in an array of coupled stripes. We show that the frequency of fundamental mode can be tuned to a large extent by adjusting the width of the stripes and the width of gaps between them.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } We present experimental and numerical studies demonstrating the influence of geometrical parameters on the fundamental spin-wave mode in planar 1D magnonic crystals. The investigated magnonic crystals consist of flat stripes separated by air gaps. The adjustment of geometrical parameters allows tailoring of the spin-wave frequencies. The width of stripes and the width of gaps between them affect spin-wave frequencies in two ways. First, directly by geometrical constraints confining the spin waves inside the stripes. Second, indirectly by spin-wave pinning, freeing the spin waves to a different extent on the edges of stripes. Experimentally, the fundamental spin-wave mode frequencies are measured using an all-optical pump-probe time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr-effect setup. Our studies address the problem of spin-wave confinement and spin-wave dipolar pinning in an array of coupled stripes. We show that the frequency of fundamental mode can be tuned to a large extent by adjusting the width of the stripes and the width of gaps between them. |
10. | Szymon Mieszczak, Maciej Krawczyk, Jarosław W. Kłos Spin-wave localization on phasonic defects in a one-dimensional magnonic quasicrystal Phys. Rev. B, 106 , pp. 064430, 2022. @article{PhysRevB.106.064430, title = {Spin-wave localization on phasonic defects in a one-dimensional magnonic quasicrystal}, author = {Szymon Mieszczak and Maciej Krawczyk and Jarosław W. Kłos}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.106.064430}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.106.064430}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-08-25}, journal = {Phys. Rev. B}, volume = {106}, pages = {064430}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, abstract = {We report on the evolution of the spin-wave spectrum under structural disorder introduced intentionally into a one-dimensional magnonic quasicrystal. We study theoretically a system composed of ferromagnetic strips arranged in a Fibonacci sequence. We considered several stages of disorder in the form of phasonic defects, where different rearrangements of strips are introduced. By transition from the quasiperiodic order towards disorder, we show a gradual degradation of spin-wave fractal spectra and closing of the frequency gaps. In particular, the phasonic defects lead to the disappearance of the van Hove singularities at the frequency gap edges by moving modes into the frequency gaps and creating new modes inside the frequency gaps. These modes disperse and eventually can close the gap, with increasing disorder levels. The work reveals how the presence of disorder modifies the intrinsic spin-wave localization existing in undefected magnonic quasicrystals. The paper contributes to the knowledge of magnonic Fibonacci quasicrystals and opens the way to study of the phasonic defects in two-dimensional magnonic quasicrystals.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } We report on the evolution of the spin-wave spectrum under structural disorder introduced intentionally into a one-dimensional magnonic quasicrystal. We study theoretically a system composed of ferromagnetic strips arranged in a Fibonacci sequence. We considered several stages of disorder in the form of phasonic defects, where different rearrangements of strips are introduced. By transition from the quasiperiodic order towards disorder, we show a gradual degradation of spin-wave fractal spectra and closing of the frequency gaps. In particular, the phasonic defects lead to the disappearance of the van Hove singularities at the frequency gap edges by moving modes into the frequency gaps and creating new modes inside the frequency gaps. These modes disperse and eventually can close the gap, with increasing disorder levels. The work reveals how the presence of disorder modifies the intrinsic spin-wave localization existing in undefected magnonic quasicrystals. The paper contributes to the knowledge of magnonic Fibonacci quasicrystals and opens the way to study of the phasonic defects in two-dimensional magnonic quasicrystals. |
9. | Szymon Mieszczak, Jarosław W. Kłos Interface modes in planar one-dimensional magnonic crystals Scientific Reports, 12 (1), pp. 11335, 2022, ISSN: 2045-2322. @article{mieszczak_interface_2022, title = {Interface modes in planar one-dimensional magnonic crystals}, author = {Szymon Mieszczak and Jarosław W. Kłos}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-15328-x}, doi = {10.1038/s41598-022-15328-x}, issn = {2045-2322}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-07-05}, urldate = {2022-07-11}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, volume = {12}, number = {1}, pages = {11335}, abstract = {We present the concept of Zak phase for spin waves in planar magnonic crystals and discuss the existence condition of interface modes localized on the boundary between two magnonic crystals with centrosymmetric unit cells. Using the symmetry criterion and analyzing the logarithmic derivative of the Bloch function, we study the interface modes and demonstrate the bulk-to-edge correspondence. Our theoretical results are verified numerically and extended to the case in which one of the magnonic crystals has a non-centrosymmetric unit cells. We show that by shifting the unit cell, the interface modes can traverse between the band gap edges. Our work also investigate the role of the dipolar interaction, by comparison the systems both with exchange interaction only and combined dipolar-exchange interactions.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } We present the concept of Zak phase for spin waves in planar magnonic crystals and discuss the existence condition of interface modes localized on the boundary between two magnonic crystals with centrosymmetric unit cells. Using the symmetry criterion and analyzing the logarithmic derivative of the Bloch function, we study the interface modes and demonstrate the bulk-to-edge correspondence. Our theoretical results are verified numerically and extended to the case in which one of the magnonic crystals has a non-centrosymmetric unit cells. We show that by shifting the unit cell, the interface modes can traverse between the band gap edges. Our work also investigate the role of the dipolar interaction, by comparison the systems both with exchange interaction only and combined dipolar-exchange interactions. |
8. | Dominika Kuźma, Łukasz Laskowski, Jarosław W. Kłos, Piotr Zieliński Effects of shape on magnetization switching in systems of magnetic elongated nanoparticles J. Magn. Magn. Mat., 545 , pp. 168685, 2022, ISSN: 0304-8853. @article{KUZMA2022168685, title = {Effects of shape on magnetization switching in systems of magnetic elongated nanoparticles}, author = {Dominika Kuźma and Łukasz Laskowski and Jarosław W. Kłos and Piotr Zieliński}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304885321009215}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2021.168685}, issn = {0304-8853}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-03-01}, journal = {J. Magn. Magn. Mat.}, volume = {545}, pages = {168685}, abstract = {The equilibrium magnetization of flat elongated magnetic nanoparticles of different shapes has been determined for a range of the static magnetic fields applied parallel to their long/easy axes. The behaviour of single particles has been compared with that of equidistant chains composed of the same particles. The shapes sharpened at the ends, i.e. elongated diamonds and two-sided swords, switch with minimal inhomogeneities of magnetization and with well rectangular hystereses. This may be useful in designing of binary memory devices. The narrowest hysteresis has been found for hourglass shapes, where the switching is preceded with inhomogeneities of magnetization so the hystereses are rounded. The shapes endowed with broadened heads, such as dumbbells and bones, show vortex-like inhomogeneities, marked with an interesting interplay of helicities, which result in a multi-stage switching with relatively large coercive fields.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } The equilibrium magnetization of flat elongated magnetic nanoparticles of different shapes has been determined for a range of the static magnetic fields applied parallel to their long/easy axes. The behaviour of single particles has been compared with that of equidistant chains composed of the same particles. The shapes sharpened at the ends, i.e. elongated diamonds and two-sided swords, switch with minimal inhomogeneities of magnetization and with well rectangular hystereses. This may be useful in designing of binary memory devices. The narrowest hysteresis has been found for hourglass shapes, where the switching is preceded with inhomogeneities of magnetization so the hystereses are rounded. The shapes endowed with broadened heads, such as dumbbells and bones, show vortex-like inhomogeneities, marked with an interesting interplay of helicities, which result in a multi-stage switching with relatively large coercive fields. |
7. | A V Chumak, P Kabos, M Wu, C Abert, C Adelmann, A O Adeyeye, J Akerman, F G Aliev, A Anane, A Awad, C H Back, A Barman, G E W Bauer, M Becherer, E N Beginin, V A S V Bittencourt, Y M Blanter, P Bortolotti, I Boventer, D A Bozhko, S A Bunyaev, J J Carmiggelt, R R Cheenikundil, F Ciubotaru, S Cotofana, G Csaba, O V Dobrovolskiy, C Dubs, M Elyasi, K G Fripp, H Fulara, I A Golovchanskiy, C Gonzalez-Ballestero, Piotr Graczyk, D Grundler, Paweł Gruszecki, G Gubbiotti, K Guslienko, A Haldar, S Hamdioui, R Hertel, B Hillebrands, T Hioki, A Houshang, C -M Hu, H Huebl, M Huth, E Iacocca, M B Jungfleisch, G N Kakazei, A Khitun, R Khymyn, T Kikkawa, M Kloui, O Klein, Jarosław W. Kłos, S Knauer, S Koraltan, M Kostylev, Maciej Krawczyk, I N Krivorotov, V V Kruglyak, D Lachance-Quirion, S Ladak, R Lebrun, Y Li, M Lindner, R Macedo, S Mayr, G A Melkov, Szymon Mieszczak, Y Nakamura, H T Nembach, A A Nikitin, S A Nikitov, V Novosad, J A Otalora, Y Otani, A Papp, B Pigeau, P Pirro, W Porod, F Porrati, H Qin, Bivas Rana, T Reimann, F Riente, O Romero-Isart, A Ross, A V Sadovnikov, A R Safin, E Saitoh, G Schmidt, H Schultheiss, K Schultheiss, A A Serga, S Sharma, J M Shaw, D Suess, O Surzhenko, Krzysztof Szulc, T Taniguchi, M Urbanek, K Usami, A B Ustinov, T van der Sar, S van Dijken, V I Vasyuchka, R Verba, Viola S Kusminskiy, Q Wang, M Weides, M Weiler, S Wintz, S P Wolski, X Zhang Advances in Magnetics Roadmap on Spin-Wave Computing IEEE Trans. Magn., 58 (6), pp. 1-72, 2022, ISSN: 1941-0069. @article{9706176, title = {Advances in Magnetics Roadmap on Spin-Wave Computing}, author = {A V Chumak and P Kabos and M Wu and C Abert and C Adelmann and A O Adeyeye and J Akerman and F G Aliev and A Anane and A Awad and C H Back and A Barman and G E W Bauer and M Becherer and E N Beginin and V A S V Bittencourt and Y M Blanter and P Bortolotti and I Boventer and D A Bozhko and S A Bunyaev and J J Carmiggelt and R R Cheenikundil and F Ciubotaru and S Cotofana and G Csaba and O V Dobrovolskiy and C Dubs and M Elyasi and K G Fripp and H Fulara and I A Golovchanskiy and C Gonzalez-Ballestero and Piotr Graczyk and D Grundler and Paweł Gruszecki and G Gubbiotti and K Guslienko and A Haldar and S Hamdioui and R Hertel and B Hillebrands and T Hioki and A Houshang and C -M Hu and H Huebl and M Huth and E Iacocca and M B Jungfleisch and G N Kakazei and A Khitun and R Khymyn and T Kikkawa and M Kloui and O Klein and Jarosław W. Kłos and S Knauer and S Koraltan and M Kostylev and Maciej Krawczyk and I N Krivorotov and V V Kruglyak and D Lachance-Quirion and S Ladak and R Lebrun and Y Li and M Lindner and R Macedo and S Mayr and G A Melkov and Szymon Mieszczak and Y Nakamura and H T Nembach and A A Nikitin and S A Nikitov and V Novosad and J A Otalora and Y Otani and A Papp and B Pigeau and P Pirro and W Porod and F Porrati and H Qin and Bivas Rana and T Reimann and F Riente and O Romero-Isart and A Ross and A V Sadovnikov and A R Safin and E Saitoh and G Schmidt and H Schultheiss and K Schultheiss and A A Serga and S Sharma and J M Shaw and D Suess and O Surzhenko and Krzysztof Szulc and T Taniguchi and M Urbanek and K Usami and A B Ustinov and T van der Sar and S van Dijken and V I Vasyuchka and R Verba and Viola S Kusminskiy and Q Wang and M Weides and M Weiler and S Wintz and S P Wolski and X Zhang}, doi = {10.1109/TMAG.2022.3149664}, issn = {1941-0069}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-02-07}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Magn.}, volume = {58}, number = {6}, pages = {1-72}, abstract = {Magnonics addresses the physical properties of spin waves and utilizes them for data processing. Scalability down to atomic dimensions, operation in the GHz-to-THz frequency range, utilization of nonlinear and nonreciprocal phenomena, and compatibility with CMOS are just a few of many advantages offered by magnons. Although magnonics is still primarily positioned in the academic domain, the scientific and technological challenges of the field are being extensively investigated, and many proof-of-concept prototypes have already been realized in laboratories. This roadmap is a product of the collective work of many authors, which covers versatile spin-wave computing approaches, conceptual building blocks, and underlying physical phenomena. In particular, the roadmap discusses the computation operations with the Boolean digital data, unconventional approaches, such as neuromorphic computing, and the progress toward magnon-based quantum computing. This article is organized as a collection of sub-sections grouped into seven large thematic sections. Each sub-section is prepared by one or a group of authors and concludes with a brief description of current challenges and the outlook of further development for each research direction.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Magnonics addresses the physical properties of spin waves and utilizes them for data processing. Scalability down to atomic dimensions, operation in the GHz-to-THz frequency range, utilization of nonlinear and nonreciprocal phenomena, and compatibility with CMOS are just a few of many advantages offered by magnons. Although magnonics is still primarily positioned in the academic domain, the scientific and technological challenges of the field are being extensively investigated, and many proof-of-concept prototypes have already been realized in laboratories. This roadmap is a product of the collective work of many authors, which covers versatile spin-wave computing approaches, conceptual building blocks, and underlying physical phenomena. In particular, the roadmap discusses the computation operations with the Boolean digital data, unconventional approaches, such as neuromorphic computing, and the progress toward magnon-based quantum computing. This article is organized as a collection of sub-sections grouped into seven large thematic sections. Each sub-section is prepared by one or a group of authors and concludes with a brief description of current challenges and the outlook of further development for each research direction. |
6. | Aleksandra Trzaskowska, P Graczyk, Nandan K. P. Babu, Miłosz Zdunek, H Głowiński, Jarosław W. Kłos, Sławomir Mielcarek The studies on phonons and magnons in [CoFeB/Au]N multilayers of different number of repetitions Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 549 , pp. 169049, 2022, ISSN: 0304-8853. @article{TRZASKOWSKA2022169049, title = {The studies on phonons and magnons in [CoFeB/Au]N multilayers of different number of repetitions}, author = {Aleksandra Trzaskowska and P Graczyk and Nandan K. P. Babu and Miłosz Zdunek and H Głowiński and Jarosław W. Kłos and Sławomir Mielcarek}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304885322000300}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2022.169049}, issn = {0304-8853}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-01-13}, journal = {Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials}, volume = {549}, pages = {169049}, abstract = {We investigated the interaction between spin waves and surface acoustic waves in the [CoFeB/Au]N multilayer deposited on the silicon substrate by Brillion light scattering spectroscopy. We showed that this kind of coupling manifested as an anticrossing in magnetoelastic dispersion relation, can be modified by changing the number of repetitions within the multilayer. The observed modification is attributed mostly to the change in the strength of dipolar interactions which alter the dispersion branch of spin wave fundamental mode and shifts the anticrossing towards larger wave vectors where the magnetoelastic coupling is stronger. The studied range of the wave vector was varied between 0.6·105 cm−1 and 2.2·105 cm−1 while the frequency range of investigations was between 3 and 20 GHz.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } We investigated the interaction between spin waves and surface acoustic waves in the [CoFeB/Au]N multilayer deposited on the silicon substrate by Brillion light scattering spectroscopy. We showed that this kind of coupling manifested as an anticrossing in magnetoelastic dispersion relation, can be modified by changing the number of repetitions within the multilayer. The observed modification is attributed mostly to the change in the strength of dipolar interactions which alter the dispersion branch of spin wave fundamental mode and shifts the anticrossing towards larger wave vectors where the magnetoelastic coupling is stronger. The studied range of the wave vector was varied between 0.6·105 cm−1 and 2.2·105 cm−1 while the frequency range of investigations was between 3 and 20 GHz. |
2021 |
5. | Jarosław W. Kłos, Maciej Krawczyk, Szymon Mieszczak, Paweł Gruszecki 2021 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems (COMCAS), pp. 518-521, 2021. @inproceedings{9629033, title = {The interplay between spin waves and microwave magnetic field in magnetization textures and planar magnetic nanostructures}, author = {Jarosław W. Kłos and Maciej Krawczyk and Szymon Mieszczak and Paweł Gruszecki}, doi = {10.1109/COMCAS52219.2021.9629033}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-12-06}, booktitle = {2021 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems (COMCAS)}, pages = {518-521}, abstract = {The magnetic microwave field is accompanying the magnetization precession in magnetic materials. However, the precessional dynamics can propagate in the form of the dipolar spin wave only if the magnetic field can effectively mediate the coupling between the magnetic moments at the distance. We refer to counter-intuitive but well known effect - the absence of the dynamic dipolar coupling in an unconstrained and uniformly magnetized medium, to stress the role of the confined geometries and magnetization textures for shaping the dipolar interaction and molding the propagation of the dipolar spin waves. The paper discusses the electromagnetic origin of the dipolar spin waves and explains the role of magnetostatic approximation. Within this approximation, we can introduce the concept of magnetostatic potential, which is very useful for describing of the origin of the dynamic demagnetizing field providing the coupling for the dipolar spin waves.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } The magnetic microwave field is accompanying the magnetization precession in magnetic materials. However, the precessional dynamics can propagate in the form of the dipolar spin wave only if the magnetic field can effectively mediate the coupling between the magnetic moments at the distance. We refer to counter-intuitive but well known effect - the absence of the dynamic dipolar coupling in an unconstrained and uniformly magnetized medium, to stress the role of the confined geometries and magnetization textures for shaping the dipolar interaction and molding the propagation of the dipolar spin waves. The paper discusses the electromagnetic origin of the dipolar spin waves and explains the role of magnetostatic approximation. Within this approximation, we can introduce the concept of magnetostatic potential, which is very useful for describing of the origin of the dynamic demagnetizing field providing the coupling for the dipolar spin waves. |
4. | Marek Vanatka, Krzysztof Szulc, Ondrej Wojewoda, Carsten Dubs, Andrii V Chumak, Maciej Krawczyk, Oleksandr V Dobrovolskiy, Jarosław W. Kłos, Michal Urbánek Spin-Wave Dispersion Measurement by Variable-Gap Propagating Spin-Wave Spectroscopy Phys. Rev. Applied, 16 , pp. 054033, 2021. @article{PhysRevApplied.16.054033, title = {Spin-Wave Dispersion Measurement by Variable-Gap Propagating Spin-Wave Spectroscopy}, author = {Marek Vanatka and Krzysztof Szulc and Ondrej Wojewoda and Carsten Dubs and Andrii V Chumak and Maciej Krawczyk and Oleksandr V Dobrovolskiy and Jarosław W. Kłos and Michal Urbánek}, url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.16.054033}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevApplied.16.054033}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-11-17}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Applied}, volume = {16}, pages = {054033}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } |
3. | Pierre Roberjot, Krzysztof Szulc, Jarosław W. Kłos, Maciej Krawczyk Appl. Phys. Lett., 118 (18), pp. 182406, 2021. @article{doi:10.1063/5.0046001b, title = {Multifunctional operation of the double-layer ferromagnetic structure coupled by a rectangular nanoresonator}, author = {Pierre Roberjot and Krzysztof Szulc and Jarosław W. Kłos and Maciej Krawczyk}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0046001}, doi = {10.1063/5.0046001}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-05-05}, journal = {Appl. Phys. Lett.}, volume = {118}, number = {18}, pages = {182406}, abstract = {The use of spin waves as a signal carrier requires developing the functional elements allowing for multiplexing and demultiplexing information coded at different wavelengths. For this purpose, we propose a system of thin ferromagnetic layers dynamically coupled by a rectangular ferromagnetic resonator. We show that single and double, clockwise and counterclockwise, circulating modes of the resonator offer a wide possibility of control of propagating waves. Particularly, at frequency related to the double-clockwise circulating spin-wave mode of the resonator, the spin wave excited in one layer is transferred to the second one where it propagates in the backward direction. Interestingly, the wave excited in the second layer propagates in the forward direction only in that layer. This demonstrates add-drop filtering and circulator functionality. Thus, the proposed system can become an important part of future magnonic technology for signal routing.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } The use of spin waves as a signal carrier requires developing the functional elements allowing for multiplexing and demultiplexing information coded at different wavelengths. For this purpose, we propose a system of thin ferromagnetic layers dynamically coupled by a rectangular ferromagnetic resonator. We show that single and double, clockwise and counterclockwise, circulating modes of the resonator offer a wide possibility of control of propagating waves. Particularly, at frequency related to the double-clockwise circulating spin-wave mode of the resonator, the spin wave excited in one layer is transferred to the second one where it propagates in the backward direction. Interestingly, the wave excited in the second layer propagates in the forward direction only in that layer. This demonstrates add-drop filtering and circulator functionality. Thus, the proposed system can become an important part of future magnonic technology for signal routing. |
2. | Jarosław W. Kłos, Igor L. Lyubchanskii, Maciej Krawczyk, Paweł Gruszecki, Szymon Mieszczak, Justyna Rychły, Yuliya S. Dadoenkova, Nataliya N. Dadoenkova Magnonics and Confinement of Light in Photonic–Magnonic Crystals, in Optomagnonic Structures Almpanis, Evangelos (Ed.): Chapter 2, pp. 79–134, World Scientific Publishing, Singapure, 2021, ISBN: 978-981-122-005-0. @inbook{opto-mag, title = {Magnonics and Confinement of Light in Photonic–Magnonic Crystals, in Optomagnonic Structures}, author = {Jarosław W. Kłos and Igor L. Lyubchanskii and Maciej Krawczyk and Paweł Gruszecki and Szymon Mieszczak and Justyna Rychły and Yuliya S. Dadoenkova and Nataliya N. Dadoenkova}, editor = {Evangelos Almpanis}, doi = {10.1142/9789811220050_0002}, isbn = {978-981-122-005-0}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-02-08}, pages = {79–134}, publisher = {World Scientific Publishing}, address = {Singapure}, chapter = {2}, abstract = {We discuss the spin-wave confinement in the magnetic components of magnetophotonic structures. In the initial sections of the chapter, we describe the principles of magnetization dynamics, including both the exchange and dipolar interactions. We showed that the spin-wave spectrum in confined geometry is determined not only by the spatial constraints but is also strongly influenced by non-local demagnetizing effects. In addition, we analyze the localization of light in the regions of spin-wave confinement, which can strengthen the magneto–optical interaction. Such enhancement can be potentially realized in photonic–magnonic crystals, where the light localization in magnetic components of the structure results from the periodicity and the spin waves co-exist with electromagnetic waves. The final sections are devoted to the Faraday effect and Goos–Hänchen effect in photonic–magnonic crystals.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inbook} } We discuss the spin-wave confinement in the magnetic components of magnetophotonic structures. In the initial sections of the chapter, we describe the principles of magnetization dynamics, including both the exchange and dipolar interactions. We showed that the spin-wave spectrum in confined geometry is determined not only by the spatial constraints but is also strongly influenced by non-local demagnetizing effects. In addition, we analyze the localization of light in the regions of spin-wave confinement, which can strengthen the magneto–optical interaction. Such enhancement can be potentially realized in photonic–magnonic crystals, where the light localization in magnetic components of the structure results from the periodicity and the spin waves co-exist with electromagnetic waves. The final sections are devoted to the Faraday effect and Goos–Hänchen effect in photonic–magnonic crystals. |
1. | Nandan K. P. Babu, Aleksandra Trzaskowska, Piotr Graczyk, Grzegorz Centała, Szymon Mieszczak, Hubert Głowiński, Miłosz Zdunek, Sławomir Mielcarek, Jarosław W. Kłos Nano Lett., 21 (2), pp. 946-951, 2021. @article{doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c03692, title = {The Interaction between Surface Acoustic Waves and Spin Waves: The Role of Anisotropy and Spatial Profiles of the Modes}, author = {Nandan K. P. Babu and Aleksandra Trzaskowska and Piotr Graczyk and Grzegorz Centała and Szymon Mieszczak and Hubert Głowiński and Miłosz Zdunek and Sławomir Mielcarek and Jarosław W. Kłos}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c03692}, doi = {10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c03692}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, journal = {Nano Lett.}, volume = {21}, number = {2}, pages = {946-951}, abstract = {The interaction between different types of wave excitation in hybrid systems is usually anisotropic. Magnetoelastic coupling between surface acoustic waves and spin waves strongly depends on the direction of the external magnetic field. However, in the present study we observe that even if the orientation of the field is supportive for the coupling, the magnetoelastic interaction can be significantly reduced for surface acoustic waves with a particular profile in the direction normal to the surface at distances much smaller than the wavelength. We use Brillouin light scattering for the investigation of thermally excited phonons and magnons in a magnetostrictive CoFeB/Au multilayer deposited on a Si substrate. The experimental data are interpreted on the basis of a linearized model of interaction between surface acoustic waves and spin waves.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } The interaction between different types of wave excitation in hybrid systems is usually anisotropic. Magnetoelastic coupling between surface acoustic waves and spin waves strongly depends on the direction of the external magnetic field. However, in the present study we observe that even if the orientation of the field is supportive for the coupling, the magnetoelastic interaction can be significantly reduced for surface acoustic waves with a particular profile in the direction normal to the surface at distances much smaller than the wavelength. We use Brillouin light scattering for the investigation of thermally excited phonons and magnons in a magnetostrictive CoFeB/Au multilayer deposited on a Si substrate. The experimental data are interpreted on the basis of a linearized model of interaction between surface acoustic waves and spin waves. |