Dr hab. Tomasz Polak, prof. UAM
Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
- Tel: +48 61 829 5054
- Loc: wing D, first floor, room 106
- Email: tppolak@amu.edu.pl
Scientific degrees
M.Sc. – 1999
Ph.D. – 2003
Habilitation -2014
Research interests
Keywords: strongly correlated many body quantum systems
My research is concentrated mainly in strongly correlated systems often in external magnetic fields. My approach to many body physics bases on the analytics basically and tries to avoid numerical calculations as long as possible – therefore is not popular one. The analysis focuses on the properties of Bose and Fermi gases and their mixtures with different lattice configurations. It provides results which are not easily digested for breakfast televisions.
Scientific achievements and research stays
- 2003-2005 Max Planck Institute for Physics Complex Systems Department Electronic Correlations. Dresden, Niemcy. (Prof. P. Fulde)
- 2005-2006 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia, Naples, Italy, Istituto di Cibernetica “E.Caianiello” del CNR, Pozzuoli, Włochy. (Prof. A. Barone, Prof. E. Sarnelli).
- 2012 VI-VII Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Ludwig-Maximilians-University. Monachium, Niemcy. (Prof. I. Bloch)
- 2013 VI-VII Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Ludwig-Maximilians-University. Monachium, Niemcy. (Prof. I. Bloch)
- 2014 IV Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria. (Prof. P. Zoller)
Other information
Leader of olympic course in physics http://dydaktyka-olimpiada.home.amu.edu.pl/pl/