Quantum machine learning with linear optics
Dr. hab. Karel Lemr (Palacký University in Olomouc, Faculty of Science, Joint Laboratory of Optics of Palacký University and Institute of Physics)
Date, Time
06.06, 15:00 - 16:00
The talk summarizes several recent experiments on quantum machine learning with linear optics that have been carried out in our laboratory. These experiments prove the benefits of the symbiosis between machine learning and quantum information processing on the platform of linear optics. It will be shown that reinforcement learning can be used to find parameters of a quantum gate. Preparation and measurement on a quantum state that performs core calculation in kernel-based machine learning approach will be discussed and fast implementation of the k-means machine learning via direct measurement of Hilbert–Schmidt distance presented. Finally, the talk will discuss the processing of quantum measurement outcomes by artificial neural networks to efficiently detect entangled states and measure their negativity.