We can lend a helping hand to Ukrainians by participating in fundraising or providing financial support to charity organizations.
Sport Festival at AMU
From Apr 10 till May 10 our Faculty took part in the sports competition “Wiosenny Rozruch” organized in the framework of the Sport Festival 2022 at our University.
Doors Open Day at the Faculty of Physics
On April 23 the popularizing event Open Doors Day took place at our Faculty.
Easter wishes
Opening of the seminar room
On April 7, we officially opened a new seminar room of ISQI. The room is equipped with a set of chairs and tables for group meetings. There is also a large whiteboard for calculations and accompanying discussions. The discussion in smaller groups can be held in comfortable conditions on sofas and armchairs. The seminar room […]
Faculty seminar by Dr Rana presenting his habilitation
The seminar by Dr Rana, preceding the submission of his habilitation application, will take place on Friday, April 1 at 11:00 in Aula Maxima. For the person who you cannot participate in-person, the seminar will be accessible by MSTeams (link >>>). The title of this talk is Voltage-controlled magnonic devices: studies on electric field induced […]
Dr Bivas Rana and Dr Paweł Gruszecki recived the grant in the IDUB-UAM program
Dr Bivas Rana and Dr Piotr Gruszecki recived grants for the projects Role of bulk and interfacial spin-orbit coupling on interfacial physical properties and laser induced ultrafast dynamics in CoFeB/MgO heterostructures , and Soft spin wave modes in thin films with perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy as a unique carrier of information and their role in generation […]