We can lend a helping hand to Ukrainians by participating in fundraising or providing financial support to charity organizations.
We can lend a helping hand to Ukrainians by participating in fundraising or providing financial support to charity organizations.
On April 7, we officially opened a new seminar room of ISQI. The room is equipped with a set of chairs and tables for group meetings. There is also a large whiteboard for calculations and accompanying discussions. The discussion in smaller groups can be held in comfortable conditions on sofas and armchairs. The seminar room […]
The seminar by Dr Rana, preceding the submission of his habilitation application, will take place on Friday, April 1 at 11:00 in Aula Maxima. For the person who you cannot participate in-person, the seminar will be accessible by MSTeams (link >>>). The title of this talk is Voltage-controlled magnonic devices: studies on electric field induced […]
Dr Bivas Rana and Dr Piotr Gruszecki recived grants for the projects Role of bulk and interfacial spin-orbit coupling on interfacial physical properties and laser induced ultrafast dynamics in CoFeB/MgO heterostructures , and Soft spin wave modes in thin films with perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy as a unique carrier of information and their role in generation […]
We can lend a helping hand to Ukrainians by participating in fundraising or providing financial support to charity organizations. >>>
Recruitment Committees recommended Dr Lubov Ivzhenko and Dr Bipul Kumar Mahato for the post-doc positions in NCN projects Guiding, shaping and amplifying signals in strongly coupled electromagnetic-magnonic circuits (project No 2020/37/B/ST3/03936) and New platform for study wave phenomenon – reconfigurable topological properties and frustrated ground states in magnonics (project No 2020/39/I/ST3/02413), repectively.
Our University supported financially two student projects from our Institute, submitted by: Nikodem Leśniewski and Uladzislau Makartsou in the framework of the program Initiative of Excellence-Research University (call: Study@research).