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Prof. Miranowicz awarded by the Prime Minister
On October 15, the Prime Minister awarded seven individual prizes and one group prize for academic achievement in 2020. One of individual awards was given to Prof. Adam Miranowicz “for pioneering scientific research on the foundations of quantum technologies“.
Master’s scholarships in the research project NCN OPUS-19 – Results
Information about the results of the competition for two Master’s scholarships in the research project NCN OPUS-19 No. 2020/37/B/ST3/03936 announced on June 17, 2021.
Opening ceremony and symposium of ISQI
We are happy to announce the official opening ceremony and symposium of the Institute of Spintronics and Quantum Information, which will take place on October 20-23, 2021.
The results of the recruitment to Doctoral School
The Doctoral School at AMU officially announced the list of the candidates which were accepted for PhD studies.
Nikodem Leśniewski passed the bachelor’s exam
On Sep 15th Nikodem Leśniewski from Division of Nanostructures Physics has passed the bachelor’s exam. The title of his bachelor thesis was Wpływ prostopadłej magnetokrystalicznej anizotropii na dynamikę fal spinowych w jednorodnie namagnesowanych cienkich warstwach CoFeB (eng. The influence of magnetocrystaline anizotropy on spin wave dynamics in uniformly magnetised thin CoFeF films). The thesis was […]
Department of Theory of Condensed Matter joins the Institute
In September 2021, the Rector of AMU accepted the application of the Department of Theory of Condensed Matter at our Faculty to join the ISQI. We are happy that their application, strongly supported by all Departments of ISQI, was finally accepted and warmly welcome our Colleagues in the Institute. We are convinced that our collaboration […]