We can lend a helping hand to Ukrainians by participating in fundraising or providing financial support to charity organizations.
We can lend a helping hand to Ukrainians by participating in fundraising or providing financial support to charity organizations.
The Doctoral School at AMU officially announced the list of the candidates which were accepted for PhD studies.
On Sep 15th Nikodem Leśniewski from Division of Nanostructures Physics has passed the bachelor’s exam. The title of his bachelor thesis was Wpływ prostopadłej magnetokrystalicznej anizotropii na dynamikę fal spinowych w jednorodnie namagnesowanych cienkich warstwach CoFeB (eng. The influence of magnetocrystaline anizotropy on spin wave dynamics in uniformly magnetised thin CoFeF films). The thesis was […]
In September 2021, the Rector of AMU accepted the application of the Department of Theory of Condensed Matter at our Faculty to join the ISQI. We are happy that their application, strongly supported by all Departments of ISQI, was finally accepted and warmly welcome our Colleagues in the Institute. We are convinced that our collaboration […]
On Aug 26th Sonu Kumar from Division of Nanostructures Physics has passed the master’s exam. The title of his master thesis was Zak Phase for exchange dominated spin waves in layered magnonic crystals. The thesis was prepared under the supervision of dr hab. Jarosław W. Kłos.
We are looking for the graduate student willing to start the PhD studies and to make a research in the field of magnonics in the framework of the National Science Center-Poland project: “New platform for study wave phenomenon – reconfigurable topological properties and frustrated ground states in magnonics”, coordinated by prof. Maciej Krawczyk in Institute […]
On July 20 Nandan Babu defended his PhD thesis, entitled: Phonon-Magnon interactions in CoFeB/Au multilayers. The thesis was prepared under the supervision of Prof. Aleksandra Trzaskowska (and co-supervision of Dr Piotr Graczyk).