We can lend a helping hand to Ukrainians by participating in fundraising or providing financial support to charity organizations.
We can lend a helping hand to Ukrainians by participating in fundraising or providing financial support to charity organizations.
Jan and Jędrzej eloquently discuss the fascinating yet complex secrets of quantum physics. If you are interested in topics such as:🔹 the relationship between quantum physics and classical physics🔹 quantum information🔹 quantum computers🔹 or the almost pop-cultural Schrödinger’s cat… then be sure to listen to the latest podcast.
Spintronics, quantum teleportation, qubit, quantum entanglement – that’s what we’ll be talking about today! Sounds unfamiliar? No worries, because our guests – Patrycja, Emil, and Krzysztof – our PhD students at the Institute of Spintronics and Quantum Information will explain everything to you.
The poster by Grzegorz Centała Bragg-mirror waveguides for magonics was awarded at the conference The Transnational Round Table on Magnonics, High-Frequency Spintronics, and Ultrafast Magnetism >>>.
Mateusz Zelent and Mathieu Moalic took 1st and 2nd place in the microcontroller progamming competition at the Intermag 2024 conference >>>.
The Conference, organised by the Nonlinear Optics Division, shall be held at the Faculty of Physics on the 10th and 13th of May 2024. The organisers warmly invite all Institute and Faculty members to take part in this Conference which will cover a wide spectrum of timely and interesting topics on quantum information science.
The publication Collective Spin-Wave Dynamics in Gyroid Ferromagnetic Nanostructures, appeared in the high impact journal ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces >>>