We can lend a helping hand to Ukrainians by participating in fundraising or providing financial support to charity organizations.
We can lend a helping hand to Ukrainians by participating in fundraising or providing financial support to charity organizations.
A new perspective on quantum sensing utilizing non-hermitian systems is presented in the paper “Multiparameter Estimation Perspective on Non-Hermitian Singularity-Enhanced Sensing” written in collaboration between Dr. Javid Naikoo and Dr. Jan Kołodyński from the Center of New Technologies, Warsaw University, and prof. UAM Ravindra Chhajlany.
The competition for the best master’s thesis at the Faculty of Physics has been resolved. In the Astronomy and Physics category, the winner was Izabella Wojciechowska and thesis was entilted “Hall effects in van-der-Waals heterostructures based on graphene”. Congratulations!
Dr hab. Olena Tartakivska from the Department of Physics of Nanostructures received founding for the project Curvature as a new route to tailor magnetic properties of nanostructures (NCN OPUS, No. 2023/49/B/ST3/02920, budget: 1 858 889 PLN). Popularizing abstract in Polish >>>
Mateusz Gołębiewski and Mathieu Moalic from the Department of Physics of Nanostructures received funding for the projects Three-dimensional complex-geometry ferromagnetic nanostructures in magnonics and spintronics (NCN PRELUDIUM 22, budget: 139 812,00 PLN) and Designing an experimentally feasible two-dimensional magnonic crystal for the demonstration of topologically protected spin waves (NCN PRELUDIUM 22, budget: 139 995,00 PLN), respectively. Mateusz and […]
The article Femtosecond Reduction of Atomic Scattering Factors Triggered by Intense X-Ray Pulse was chosen by Editors as Synopsis in Physics: >>>
Since October 2023, Dr. Bivas Rana is a member of Editorial Bourd of the journal Communications Physics which is issued by the Springer-Narure group. Communications Physics is an open access journal from Nature Portfolio publishing high-quality research, reviews and commentary in all areas of the physical sciences (2-year impact factor: 6.497).