We can lend a helping hand to Ukrainians by participating in fundraising or providing financial support to charity organizations.
We can lend a helping hand to Ukrainians by participating in fundraising or providing financial support to charity organizations.
Prof. Serebryannikov received the NAWA Polonium grant for financing the scientific exchange with Centre for Nanoscience andNanotechnology, CNRS, Universite Paris‐Saclay >>>.
On Dec 13 2022, the public defense of the PhD dissertation by Szymon Mieszczak took place. The Doctoral Commission recommended the awarding the PhD degree and on Dec 16 the Council for the Scientific Disciplines: Physics and Astronomy at our Faculty grant the PhD degree to Szymon Mieszczak.
On December 8-9 the Symposium on Spintronics and Quantum Information 2022 took place at our Faculty. Around 40 talks were given during the Symposium, and about half of them was delivered by PhD students.
The master students Elvira Bilokon and Valeriia Bilokon (from Department of Theory of Condensed Matter) and Hanna Reshetniak (from Departament of Physics of Nanostructures) obtained the Jan Kulczyk Scholarships >>>.
Prof. Ireneusz Weymann from the Department of Mesoscopic Physics received founding for the project Critical phenomena and transport in correlated hybrid nanostructures (NCN OPUS, No. 2022/45/B/ST3/02826, budget: 1 482 300 PLN) which will be realized in the years: 2023 – 2026. Popularizing abstract in Polish >>>
Krzysztof Sobucki from the Department of Physics of Nanostructures received founding for the project Exploiting resonance effects in ferromagnetic nanoresonators towards magnonic spacetime metasurfaces (NCN PRELUDIUM 21, budget: 209 925,00 PLN) which will be realized in the years: 2023 – 2025. Krzysztof is preparing his PhD thesis under supervision of Dr. Paweł Gruszecki. Popularizing abstract […]