Scholarship for PhD student: theoretical and numerical studies on fluxons and magnons in hybrid nanostructures

application form on University web-page >>>
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one-page announcement in pdf format >>>

The PhD scholarship is financed by the National Science Center (NCN) of Poland as a part of the OPUS22+LAP, call for the research project: FluMag – “Low-loss current- and flux quanta-controlled magnonics” (>>>), no 2021/43/I/ST3/00550, coordinated by prof. Jarosław W. Kłos (>>>).

The scholarship is directed to a graduate who has received a master degree in physics or related fields and is interested in theoretical and numerical research in the area of magnetism and superconductivity.

The competition is addressed to candidates who plan to start education at the doctoral school at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań in 2022/2023 (starting from January 2023) and is an elite path of financing doctoral students beyond the limit of the doctoral school.

The work will be conducted in Poznań in the international scientific team (>>>). FluMag (>>>) is a Polish-Austrian-Czech collaborative project constitute a rich panel of complementary expertise in theoretical and experimental physics of spin waves, superconductivity, advanced nanofabrication as well as microwave and optical spectroscopy methods. The Austrian Team is led by Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy from the University of Vienna (>>>) and the Czech Team by Michal Urbanek from the Central European Institute of Technology, Brno (>>>). The experimental partners are going to offer the positions for postdocs and PhD students as well.


The doctoral student receives a scholarship of 5,000 PLN for the 36 months of the project realization. The amount about 12% will be subtracted from the scholarship for the obligatory national health insurance system (ZUS).

PhD studies

The competition is addressed to people who plan to start education at the Doctoral School at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań.


 Schedule of the Doctoral School enrollment procedure:

  1. Registration in the Candidate Online Registration system (IRK) (>>>): October 10 – November 15, 2022, 
  2. Required documents:
  • a printed and signed registration form downloaded from the Online Candidate Registration (IRK) system,
  • a statement confirming that they are not commencing education in another doctoral school and that they have a doctoral degree,
  • a cover letter along with an indication of the scientific discipline in which they would like to obtain a doctoral degree,
  • CV and statement of documented accomplishments with an indication of the accomplishments to be evaluated by the selection committee: (a) up to 3 accomplishments – in the case of scientific achievements; (b) up to 3 accomplishments – in the case of other achievements
  • a proposal of a unique research project with bibliography prepared for the purposes of the admission (up to 8 pages of standard typescript, max.  5,000 characters with spaces);
  • an official copy of the university diploma, confirming the attainment of second-cycle qualifications;
  • a diploma supplement (in the case of two cycle studies – a supplement attached to the diploma of first cycle studies and a supplement attached to the diploma of second cycle studies);
  • one colour 35 mm x 45 mm photograph;
  • confirmation of payment of the admission fee.  

Candidates who have obtained the necessary education outside the territory of the Republic of Poland, shall additionally submit:

  • a photocopy of a document which confirms their education, certified to be a true copy of the original document, i.e. a diploma with a supplement confirming completion of first cycle studies (Bachelor degree) and a diploma with a supplement confirming completion of second cycle studies (Master degree, MSc, MA) in the original language and in a certified translation into English or into Polish,
  • a photocopy of their passport. 
  1. Submission of documents deadline: November 15, 2022
  2. Selection procedure: November 21, 2022
  3. Announcement of the list of admitted candidates: November 22, 2022

Scope of work in the frame work of the project

The PhD student will be involved in the studies on new physical phenomena associated with the electromagnetic coupling of spin waves in ferromagnet with eddy currents in superconductor, in particular:

  • developing the models for spin waves in ferromagnetic layer with demagnetizing field screened by superconducting pattern,
  • implementing the theoretical models for spin waves and eddy currents dynamics in dipolarly coupled ferromagnetic-superconducting hybrid systems in Meissner state or vortex state,
  • numerical simulation (performed in COMSOL Multiphysics) and data postprocessing (using Python codes).

Required professional qualifications

The following qualifications and skills are required from the recruited PhD student:

  • master degree in physics, material science, or in a similar scientific discipline, 
  • theoretical background in solid-state physics, the complement of the mathematics courses (linear algebra, partial differential equations).
  • programming skills (Phyton programming preferred).
  • the knowledge of the COMSOL environment will be advantageous.

For more information please check the webpage: or contact the project leader Prof. Jarosław W. Kłos (