Quantum chemistry and spectroscopy

Biologically active systems, known medicines, rediscovered medicines and newly-synthesized medicines, chemopreventive agents and carcinogens, new nanomaterials studied using the combined methods:
the experimental techniques
- Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance NQR,
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMR,
- Double NQR-NMR Resonance,
- Electron Paramagnetic Resonance EPR,
- Infrared Spectroscopy IR,
- Differential Scanning Calorimetry DSC,
- X-ray crystallography X-ray (also with TLS)
- Differential thermal analysis DTA,
the computational techniques – quantum chemistry calculations
- ab initio,
- Density Functional Theory, DFT (hybrid and GGA),
- Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules QTAIM,
- 3D Hirshfeld Surfaces 3D HS (also with RDS),
- molecular docking MD,
- molecular dynamics simulations MDS.
Modeling, prediction and comparison of different maps using data mining techniques:
- time series (including Fourier, SARIMA, ARIMA series),
- artificial intelligence methods (including artificial neural networks),
- different mathematical metrices.