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AMU physics


Anti-Bell Scenario
dr Gabriel Ruffolo, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Date, Time
28.11, 15:00 - 16:00

hybrid meetnig (room 16), link (MSTeams) >>>

In 1964, John S. Bell introduced a groundbreaking approach to studying the hypothesis of Local Realism in physical systems. In his seminal paper, Bell demonstrated that this hypothesis does not always hold for quantum systems, leading to the phenomenon known as Bell Nonlocality. Bell’s original argument involved a system composed of two spatially separated parties, with nonlocality emerging as a consequence of separate measurements performed on two entangled quantum systems.

In this seminar, we propose an inversion of the Bell scenario: instead of separate measurements on entangled systems, we consider a single system receiving two quantum systems in a separable state. The measurements, however, are entangling measurements—a feature of quantum theory that has been relatively unexplored until now. We will demonstrate that with this “anti-Bell scenario,” it is possible to challenge classical assumptions about quantum systems, such as Contextuality and the Preparation Independence Hypothesis.

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