Spin wave dynamics in thin films with perpendicular anisotropy
Dr Paweł Gruszecki, Institute of Spintronics and Quantum Information
Date, Time
14.11, 15:00
hybrid meetnig (room 16), link (MSTeams) >>>
Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy (PMA) in thin ferromagnetic films at low magnetic fields may allow the formation of magnetic domain patterns with magnetization directed perpendicular to the surface. Examples of such domain structures are aligned stripe domain patterns with well-defined periodicity in the range of 100 nm. The presence of PMA not only modifies the magnetic configuration of the system, but also significantly affects the dynamics of the spin waves, i.e. the propagating collective precessional disturbances of the magnetization. This effect on the spin waves is not only due to the PMA-induced inhomogeneity of the magnetitic texture, but also to the effect of PMA itself on the precession of the magnetic moments, which leads to surprising consequences. In this talk the effect of PMA on the spin wave dynamics will be discussed both in aligned stripe domain patterns (which act as magnonic crystals) and in uniformly magnetized systems, in particular at low magnetic fields close to the critical field at which the phase transition to the stripe domain pattern occurs.
[1] P. Gruszecki, J. Kisielewski, Influence of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction and perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy on magnetization dynamics in spin spirals. Scientific Reports 13, 1218 (2023).
[2] J. Kisielewski, P. Gruszecki, M. Krawczyk, V. Zablotskii, and A. Maziewski. Between waves and patterns: freezing spin waves in films with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Physical Revew B 107, 134416 (2023).
[3] A.K. Dhiman, N. Leśniewski, R. Gieniusz, J. Kisielewski, Z. Kurant, M. Matczak, F. Stobiecki, P. Mazalski, M. Krawczyk, Artem Lynnyk, A. Maziewski, P. Gruszecki. Reconfigurable magnonic crystals: Spin wave propagation in Pt/Co multilayer in saturated and stripe domain phase. APL Materials 12, 111106 (2024).
[4] R. Gieniusz, P. Gruszecki, J. Kisielewski, A.K. Dhiman, M. Matczak, Z. Kurant, I. Sveklo, U. Guzowska, M. Tekielak, M. Krawczyk, F. Stobiecki, and A. Maziewski Spin wave frequency hysteresis in Ir/Co/Pt multilayers with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Phys. Rev. B. (in press)