Former members

Dr. Shilan Ismael Abo

Dr. Shilan Ismael Abo

Department of Nonlinear Optics
M.Sc. Mufti Perdana Avicena

M.Sc. Mufti Perdana Avicena

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Dr. Nandan Babu Kuttath Padi

Dr. Nandan Babu Kuttath Padi

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Jacek Baranowski

Jacek Baranowski

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
B.Sc. Elvira Bilokon

B.Sc. Elvira Bilokon

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
B.Sc. Valeriia Bilokon

B.Sc. Valeriia Bilokon

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Dr. Wojciech Czart

Dr. Wojciech Czart

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Dr hab. Krzysztof Grygiel, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Krzysztof Grygiel, prof. UAM

Department of Quantum Information
Dr. Eng. Nikhil Kumar C.S.

Dr. Eng. Nikhil Kumar C.S.

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
M.Sc. Sonu Kumar

M.Sc. Sonu Kumar

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Prof. dr hab. Michał Kurzyński

Prof. dr hab. Michał Kurzyński

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Prof. dr hab. Roman Micnas

Prof. dr hab. Roman Micnas

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Dr. Szymon Mieszczak

Dr. Szymon Mieszczak

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
B.Sc. Gauthier Philippe

B.Sc. Gauthier Philippe

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
M.Sc. Mateusz Sikora

M.Sc. Mateusz Sikora

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Dr. Tomasz Ślusarski

Dr. Tomasz Ślusarski

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
Dr. Eng. Stefan Stagraczyński

Dr. Eng. Stefan Stagraczyński

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
B.Sc. Anna Woźniak

B.Sc. Anna Woźniak

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
Dr. Amir Nasser Zarezad

Dr. Amir Nasser Zarezad

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
M.Sc. Eng. Miłosz Zdunek

M.Sc. Eng. Miłosz Zdunek

Department of Physics of Nanostructures