We can lend a helping hand to Ukrainians by participating in fundraising or providing financial support to charity organizations.
M.Sc. Yulia Kharlan joined to ISIQ
M.Sc. Yulia Kharlan (>>>) war recruited as a PhD student to realize tasks of the grant led by Prof. Jaroslaw W. Kłos: Fluxons and Magnons in hybrid nanostuctures, 2023 – 2026, (NCN OPUS LAP, No. 2021/43/I/ST3/00550) >>>.
Collection for power supply for the Institute of Magnetism in Kyiv is completed
At the beginning of November, a fundraiser began for the purchase of a power supply for the Institute of Magnetism in Kyiv. The collection was successful – just before Christmas, the station arrived at the Institute along with accompanying Christmas greeting card. Thank you for your donations!
Christmas greetings
Dear Members of the Institute, I wish you a merry Christmas time and all the best for the coming new year! With kind regards, Ireneusz Weymann
Prof. Andriy Serebryannikov recived the foundings for NAWA Polonium grant
Prof. Serebryannikov received the NAWA Polonium grant for financing the scientific exchange with Centre for Nanoscience andNanotechnology, CNRS, Universite Paris‐Saclay >>>.
Szymon Mieszczak received PhD degree
On Dec 13 2022, the public defense of the PhD dissertation by Szymon Mieszczak took place. The Doctoral Commission recommended the awarding the PhD degree and on Dec 16 the Council for the Scientific Disciplines: Physics and Astronomy at our Faculty grant the PhD degree to Szymon Mieszczak.
Symposium on Spintronics and Quantum Information 2022
On December 8-9 the Symposium on Spintronics and Quantum Information 2022 took place at our Faculty. Around 40 talks were given during the Symposium, and about half of them was delivered by PhD students.