
Scientific staff | Post-docs | PhD students | Master students | Bachelor students | Lecturers | Computer administration | Former Members

Dr hab. Jarosław W. Kłos, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Jarosław W. Kłos, prof. UAM

Director, Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Dr hab. Karol Bartkiewicz, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Karol Bartkiewicz, prof. UAM

Head of Department of Quantum Information
Dr hab. Anna Dyrdał, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Anna Dyrdał, prof. UAM

Head of Department of Mesoscopic Physics
Dr hab. Konrad J. Kapcia, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Konrad J. Kapcia, prof. UAM

Head of Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Dr hab. Aleksandra Trzaskowska, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Aleksandra Trzaskowska, prof. UAM

Head of Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Dr hab. Oskar Baksalary, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Oskar Baksalary, prof. UAM

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Prof. dr hab. Józef Barnaś

Prof. dr hab. Józef Barnaś

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
Dr. Maciej Bąk

Dr. Maciej Bąk

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Prof. dr hab. Maciej Błaszak

Prof. dr hab. Maciej Błaszak

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Dr hab. Przemysław Chełminiak, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Przemysław Chełminiak, prof. UAM

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Dr. Grzegorz Chimczak

Dr. Grzegorz Chimczak

Department of Quantum Information
Dr hab. Ravindra W. Chhajlany, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Ravindra W. Chhajlany, prof. UAM

Department of Quantum Information
Dr hab. Agnieszka Cichy, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Agnieszka Cichy, prof. UAM

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Dr hab. Waldemar Głaz, prof. UAM, senior

Dr hab. Waldemar Głaz, prof. UAM, senior

Department of Quantum Information
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Grudka

Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Grudka

Department of Quantum Information
Dr hab. Paweł Gruszecki, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Paweł Gruszecki, prof. UAM

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Dr. Przemysław Grzybowski

Dr. Przemysław Grzybowski

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Dr. Marcin Karczewski

Dr. Marcin Karczewski

Department of Quantum Information
Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Kostyrko

Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Kostyrko

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Dr hab. Anna Kowalewska -Kudłaszyk, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Anna Kowalewska -Kudłaszyk, prof. UAM

Department of Quantum Information
Prof. dr hab. Leon Kowalewski, senior

Prof. dr hab. Leon Kowalewski, senior

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Dr hab. Piotr Kozłowski, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Piotr Kozłowski, prof. UAM

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
Prof. dr hab. Maciej Krawczyk

Prof. dr hab. Maciej Krawczyk

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Prof. dr hab. Paweł Kurzyński

Prof. dr hab. Paweł Kurzyński

Department of Quantum Information
Prof. dr hab. Jolanta Natalia Latosińska

Prof. dr hab. Jolanta Natalia Latosińska

Department of Quantum Information
Dr hab. Sławomir Mamica, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Sławomir Mamica, prof. UAM

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Prof. dr hab. Sławomir Mielcarek

Prof. dr hab. Sławomir Mielcarek

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Prof. dr hab. Adam Miranowicz

Prof. dr hab. Adam Miranowicz

Department of Quantum Information
Prof. dr hab. Bogusław Mróz

Prof. dr hab. Bogusław Mróz

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Dr. Małgorzata Paprzycka

Dr. Małgorzata Paprzycka

Department of Quantum Information
Dr hab. Tomasz Polak, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Tomasz Polak, prof. UAM

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Dr. hab. Bivas Rana, Prof. UAM

Dr. hab. Bivas Rana, Prof. UAM

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Dr hab. Wojciech Rudziński, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Wojciech Rudziński, prof. UAM

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
Dr hab. Andriy Serebryannikov, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Andriy Serebryannikov, prof. UAM

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Dr hab. Błażej Szablikowski, prof. UAM

Dr hab. Błażej Szablikowski, prof. UAM

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Dr hab. Andrea Lehmann-Szweykowska, senior

Dr hab. Andrea Lehmann-Szweykowska, senior

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Tanaś, senior

Prof. dr hab. Ryszard Tanaś, senior

Department of Quantum Information
Dr hab. Olena Tartakivska

Dr hab. Olena Tartakivska

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Dr hab. Piotr Trocha

Dr hab. Piotr Trocha

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Tylczyński, senior

Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Tylczyński, senior

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Prof. dr hab. Ireneusz Weymann

Prof. dr hab. Ireneusz Weymann

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
Dr hab. Ryszard Wojciechowski, senior

Dr hab. Ryszard Wojciechowski, senior

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
Prof. dr hab. Antoni Wójcik

Prof. dr hab. Antoni Wójcik

Department of Quantum Information
Dr. Kacper Wrześniewski

Dr. Kacper Wrześniewski

Department of Mesoscopic Physics


Scientific staff | Post-docs | PhD students | Master students | Bachelor students | Lecturers | Computer administration | Former Members

Dr. Arnab Laha

Dr. Arnab Laha

Department of Quantum Information
Dr. Piotr Busz

Dr. Piotr Busz

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
Dr. Liubov Ivzhenko

Dr. Liubov Ivzhenko

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Dr. Syamlal Sankaran Kunnath

Dr. Syamlal Sankaran Kunnath

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Dr. Sara Memarzadeh

Dr. Sara Memarzadeh

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Dr. Javid Naikoo

Dr. Javid Naikoo

Department of Quantum Information
Dr. Krzysztof Szulc

Dr. Krzysztof Szulc

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
Dr. Mateusz Zelent

Dr. Mateusz Zelent

Department of Physics of Nanostructures

PhD students

Scientific staff | Post-docs | PhD students | Master students | Bachelor students | Lecturers | Computer administration | Former Members

MPhil Amrutha V. Achuthan

MPhil Amrutha V. Achuthan

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
M. Sc. Aram Akoi

M. Sc. Aram Akoi

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
M.Sc. Aleksey Alekseev

M.Sc. Aleksey Alekseev

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
M.Sc. Kateryna Boboshko

M.Sc. Kateryna Boboshko

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
M.Sc. Grzegorz Centała

M.Sc. Grzegorz Centała

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
M.Sc. Mateusz Gołębiewski

M.Sc. Mateusz Gołębiewski

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
M.Sc. Mirali Jafari

M.Sc. Mirali Jafari

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
M.Sc. Sreedevi Janardhanan

M.Sc. Sreedevi Janardhanan

Department of Nanostructures Physics
M.Sc. Antoni Jankiewicz

M.Sc. Antoni Jankiewicz

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
M.Sc. Yulia Kharlan

M.Sc. Yulia Kharlan

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
M.Sc. Eng. Katarzyna Kotus

M.Sc. Eng. Katarzyna Kotus

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
M.Sc. Agata Krzywicka

M.Sc. Agata Krzywicka

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
M.Sc. Eng. Anna Krzyżewska

M.Sc. Eng. Anna Krzyżewska

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
M.Sc. Ewelina Lange

M.Sc. Ewelina Lange

Department of Quantum Information
M.Sc. Nikodem Leśniewski

M.Sc. Nikodem Leśniewski

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
M.Sc. Piotr Majek

M.Sc. Piotr Majek

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
M.Sc. Uladzislau Makartsou

M.Sc. Uladzislau Makartsou

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
M.Sc. Anand Manaparambil

M.Sc. Anand Manaparambil

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
M.Sc. Mathieu Moalic

M.Sc. Mathieu Moalic

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
M.Sc. Hanna Reshetniak

M.Sc. Hanna Reshetniak

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
M.Sc. Krzysztof Sobucki

M.Sc. Krzysztof Sobucki

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
M.Sc. Emil Siuda

M.Sc. Emil Siuda

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
M.Sc. Vrishali Sonar

M.Sc. Vrishali Sonar

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
M.Sc. Patrycja Tulewicz

M.Sc. Patrycja Tulewicz

Department of Quantum Information
M.Sc. Shashank Shekhar

M.Sc. Shashank Shekhar

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
M.Sc. Izabella Wojciechowska

M.Sc. Izabella Wojciechowska

Department of Mesoscopic Physics
M.Sc. Yeimer Zambrano

M.Sc. Yeimer Zambrano

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter

Master students

Scientific staff | Post-docs | PhD students | Master students | Bachelor students | Lecturers | Computer administration | Former Members

B. Sc. Maksym Białoszyński

B. Sc. Maksym Białoszyński

Department of Physics of Nanostructures
B. Sc.  Oliwer Błaszak

B. Sc. Oliwer Błaszak

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter
B.Sc. Julia May

B.Sc. Julia May

Department of Quantum Information
B. Sc. Łukasz Sokołowski

B. Sc. Łukasz Sokołowski

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter

Bachelor students

Scientific staff | Post-docs | PhD students | Master students | Bachelor students | Lecturers | Computer administration | Former Members

Bartłomiej Kulas

Bartłomiej Kulas

Department of Physics of Nanostructures


Scientific staff | Post-docs | PhD students | Master students | Bachelor students | Lecturers | Computer administration | Former Members

Dr. Marek Thomas

Dr. Marek Thomas

Department of Theory of Condensed Matter

Computer administrator

Scientific staff | Post-docs | PhD students | Master students | Bachelor students | Lecturers | Computer administration | Former Members

M.Sc. Paweł Leśniak

M.Sc. Paweł Leśniak

Department of Mesoscopic Physics